Part 10:)

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*next morning*

I rolled around in my bed as the sun was shining in my eyes. i sat up and extended my arms enjoying the stretching feeling. today felt like a good day. I turned to look at the clock next to my bed and the time said 11:24am. Fuck what time did chan say that were picking me up..wait he never specified. I figured i should probably check my phone for any messages.

Turns out i had a lot of messages.. lol. like a lot. most of which being from Jisung and Binnie. they were telling me to open the door and that they were outside. Yk what.. they can wait. it's my birthday, so im gonna make them wait while i find a cute outfit. also needed to put some makeup up my nose, lol. still very much bruised.

Post by Y/N2139<3

Post by Y/N2139<3

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Birthday fit <3

Hannie23: bro we are outside. Let us in.
Leaderchannie: y/n I love your fit but respectfully open the dam door.
Y/n2139<3 replied to Leaderchannie: so impatient. It's my birthday lemme do what I want.


After uploading that picture i felt satisfied. i took a big sigh before i realized i should probably open the door to the chaos outside..

I made my way to the door and could see 7 heads sitting down on the porch and 1 standing behind them on the sidewalk. I swung the door open yelling "heyyyy." before stepping outside my house closing the door behind me.

"heyyy y/n! good morning and HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY." i heard chan say

"yaaaaaa HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY." i heard a few others join in

" so whats the plan for today??" i said raising my eyebrows looking around at everyone. I kinda noticed they were all dressed somewhat nicely. not fancy.. but not like comfy... i also noticed the person standing on the sidewalk had gotten closer. Dam minho..he looked good. fuck why am i saying this. I still hate him for leaving me for dead..

He was wearing dark blue jeans with a white long sleeve shirt, there was a sleeveless sweater over the white shirt. They were tucked into the waist of his jeans.

 They were tucked into the waist of his jeans

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(heres a picture to show you what i mean.)

i was pulled out of my thoughts by chan saying "ok sooo, since there is 9 of us with you. we took 3 cars. Im gonna split everyone up in the cars. do not argue back. it is what it is.... ok so, first we have Felix, myself, and I.N, in a car... then we have Changbin, Seungmin, and Hyunjin in a car... then we have minho, y/n, and han." 

"chan.." i said in a warning tone.

"did i not just say dont argue about it... y/n please.. just go with it. our reservation is coming up and i dont want to miss it trying to rearrange seats." he replied

"ugh fine." i said before brushing past them "yo which car is it.." i said looking confused by the three rich ass cars in front of me

"this one." minho said walking by me getting in the driver seat of a car parked a few spots down..

"arighty" i said as i was reaching for the backseat door handle.

"thats han's spot." he said from the front

"huh?" i questioned.

"i said.. thats han's spot. sit in the front" he repeated

"i dont want to sit next to you.." i said

"i really don't care, either sit in the front or don't come :)." he simply said rolling his eyes

i gave an annoyed grunt before walking around to the other side of the car and getting in the passenger seat. Not even two seconds after me and han jumped in the car he took off. I then said " you could have waited for us to at least get buckled.. like bro are u tryna kill me on my birthday.." 

I heard a huff of laughter come from the left of me. No way. did Minho just laugh at what i said. I whipped my head towards him.. just to confirm it was him who laughed.. he was smiling... i didn't think he was capable of that.. wait its kinda cute. no y/n stfu. its not cute. stop. no. 

He definitely noticed me staring because that smile dropped in an instant. shit. i wanted to see it again. fuck.. why am i thinking like that. 

"stop looking at me. i dont like it." he said sternly

"sorry i just thought i heard laughter come from that direction. didn't think you were able to laugh. lowkey thought god forgot to add that feature when making you." i responded looking out the window

"dam. y/n im not a stone cold monster that doesn't have emotions." he said 

"shocking.... how you act towards me would suggest otherwise" i said sarcastically.

With that we gave each other a good glare before staying silent the rest of the ride. I was enjoying my silence until Jisung said "we are HEREEE. finally. omg get me out of this awkward car." 

he practically rolled out of the car once Minho put it in park. I went to reach for my door handle to open my door, but it was locked.

"uhm minho.. doors locked dumbass." i said

"i know." he said while climbing out of the car. i watched him walk around the car to my side unlocking the doors and then opening my door.

"what the fuck's wrong with you. why are u being nice.." i said with disgust

"why can't i be nice." he said watching me step out of the car.

"because god forgot that feature remember." i said pointing to my brain while walking past him towards the others.

i heard him chuckle behind me at my response. ok... what the actual fuck is happening...first he let me sit in front, then he opens my door for me.. then he laughs. is my brain bleeding from the book being chucked at my face and im hallucinating this shit?? is he sick?? what is going on... why do my cheeks feel hot, like really hot... why am i blushing around minho... bro what is happening to me.

A/N: sorry for long chapter again. i also didn't proof read this. sorry if there are mistakes :) also thank you for 90 reads!! also make sure to follow me for more stories. i have a bunch in my drafts with all the members. also comment what members you want next. yeah.. :) basically i have a few stories for each member coming up. just lmk which one you want next <3 more parts coming!

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