Part 11 :)

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*time skip*

All of the members and I enjoyed a nice birthday lunch. We talked a lot about their childhoods and mine. I brought up a ton of embarrassing stories about jisung as he did the same about me. I couldn't help but notice Minho.. he was sitting at the end of the table... just listening to everyone, not caring to join in on the conversations. i was watching his eyes move around to each person when they would talk, then they finally landed on me. I immediately looked away, I couldn't let him know i was staring.

After what felt like a long enough time of not looking at him, hoping to prove i wasn't staring. i slowly dragged my eyes back towards him. shit. he was already looking...and is that a smirk i see on his face. why is this fucker smirking and staring at me... i have decided i want to go home. my social battery has run out, and im too confused by his behavior to deal with it was sunday and we had school tomorrow.

"yah guys this was a wonderful lunch. I enjoyed it truly. Im gonna take a picture to post on instagram. everyone smile!!" i said suddenly.

Post by Y/N2139<3

Post by Y/N2139<3

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Had a fun birthday with these guys

Seobinnie32: yeeeeeee
Puppymin: well obviously. Wait how old are u turning I forgot to ask.
Y/n2139<3 replied to Puppymin: seungmin. I'm Turning 18....

we had finally said our goodbyes and we all made our ways to the seperate cars. I took the front seat again like i did on the way here, Jisung in the back, minho driving. It was a silent ride back to my house. like i mean crickets silent. the radio wasn't on and no one was talking.. oh well i decided im going to break the silence.

"so jisung, you ready for school tomorrow?" i asked

no response.

"jisung.." i said turning my head around to peer in the backseat. bro was fast a sleep. ugh why he gotta dip in the awkward situations. I just turned my head back around and stared straight forward.

We reached my house, after what felt like forever with the painful silence i had to endure. Minho put the car in park and i reached for the door, It was unlocked thank god.. i got out went to the backseat opened that door and peered inside at Jisung. I leaned down and gave him a small kiss on the head before closing the door again. I turned to walk away towards my house but was stopped by a voice

"happy birthday y/n."

I looked back and saw Minho with his window rolled down. i was taken a-back by the comment. i guess you could say i just didn't expect him to care.

"oh uh- thank you." i said before quickly rushing inside. I didn't let him see the blush that threatened to show... fuck why was i getting flustered for what the third time in the span of two days..

A/N: uh yeah. idrk what this chapeter was lmao.

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