Part 1 :)

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"Gaaa ga gaaaaa"

"Wooyoung I swear, if you don't quit it out with that aegyo, I'm walking out of this classroom" y/n said looking away as she watched her bsf try to be cute. He immediately whipped his head in her direction and almost screamed " y/n l/n you will do no such thing, don't u dare leave me here all alone with them." He says referencing to the rest of the class.

"God you guys are annoying. Both of u stfu. I'm trying to sleep." Came from a deep groggy voice in the back of the classroom

I slowly glanced behind me and layed my eyes on him.... The bully... the one and only Lee Minho. God I hated him. His whole presence just icked me out.

"Minho, I really don't care what you have to say. Go back to sleep asshole" I snapped at him.

Clearly what I said caught his attention because as soon as those words rolled off my tongue he perked up.

"What did you say." He said calmly while standing up

"I said go back to sleep ass-" before I could finish my sentence a book came flying at my face hitting me square in the nose causing me to stumble backwards a bit. When my vision wasn't spinning anymore I saw him start to approach me from where his desk was.

"Oh oops. Didn't see your hideous face there. I was aiming for the trash. Clearly I hit some. " Minho mumbled hitting my shoulder hardly while walking by.

The audacity of this man. He's been bullying me for years. What did I do to him that he hates me so much. I was pulled out of my thoughts by someone speaking

"Omg y/n. Your nose.." Wooyoung bent to my level.

"What...What's wrong with my nose woo.." I nervously asked

"Uhm. He.. he.. may have busted it with that book. Here take a look" he shoved a little hand mirror into my face forcing me to look. When my eyes landed on the sight before me, I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from cussing out the world.

"IM GONNA KILL HIM." I screeched.

The bell rang shortly after my little meltdown and I rushed out of the room. I needed to get my nose fixed immediately. I had some blood splatters on my clothes from my nose bleeding. Needed a new outfit too. Good thing I always keep a spare change of clothes.

I successfully changed my outfit between classes and was headed to lunch. I made my way to the cafeteria and got in line. Nothing really looked good today so I skipped to the end to grab an apple. My eyes were still on the apple as I turned my body to walk away.

As soon as I took a step I smacked into something hard.

"Ow son of a.." I hissed

Because of my nose incident from earlier this hurt like hell. I thought I was going towards the light at this point.

I ended up bouncing off the hard object and began to fall backwards. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact of the cafeteria tile floor.. but it never came. I opened my eyes and there was a boy with dark black hair and big muscles hovering over me. It was then that I realized one of his hands was on my waist and the other was behind my head.

"What the fu-"

"That's what I get for saving your ass even if u were the one who bumped into me? " He chuckled while pulling us both up to stand. I noticed he was a little shorter than me.

"Yeah well. U bumped into me actually" I replied back.

"Oh so we're playing this game" he smirked
"Just thank me and we can move on" he said while looking at me.

"Oh. Hell no. I don't thank anyone" I sneered.

"Ooh- your fiesty, what's your name" he questioned

"Why should I tell you that? Hmmm? How do I know ur not some creep disguised as a student?" I said.

"Do u know how crazy you sound rn??" He wheezed

"Ugh fine, I'm y/n" I said as I bowed to him and reached my hand out to shake.

"Y/n... I'm Changbin, nice to meet you" he replied taking my hand in his and bowing back.

It was only after we were done shaking hands that I realized everyone was staring.

"What are u looking at hoes??" I questioned as I scanned the room. I could hear someone chuckling next to me. Ofc it was Changbin.

"Wow. U really hate everyone don't you" he said in between laughs

"I mean iggg" I said

"You know. I have this friend I think would like you. Maybe I'll have to set up a meeting for u two. ;)"  he sighed

"Yeah yeah whatever Gtg"

With that I turned on my heels telling Changbin I'd see him later. On the way out I saw the ugly creature sitting in the corner. His dark eyes watching me cross the room. Idk if I'm hallucinating but it looked like one corner of his mouth was lifted and he was smirking. I thought nothing of it and just flipped him my favorite finger and continued to strut my stuff out of this damn cafeteria.

A/n: heyyyy. First chapter what do we think?

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