Part 17 :)

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"minho-what are you doing here?" i said

"i could ask you the same thing.." he said now taking a step towards me. I watched as his eyes went up and down my body. 

"well im here because of Jisung.. so idk bout you.. also where were u today at school??" i asked

"aww did you miss me.." he said taking another step closer.

"no. actually.. i was just-uh-" i started but couldn't finish my sentence as he reached a hand out and brushed it up my thigh. he used his finger as a hook to grab onto my dress and pull it down a little farther on my legs. that was hot-

"why the fuck did you do that." i said while shoving him away before he could feel the redness basically radiating off my cheeks. 

"your dress is a little short." he said

"so-." i snapped

"so.. other guys will be staring." he said stepping back closer to me. "and i dont like that-"

"is that jealousy i sense in your voice.." i said now taking a step towards him. I wanted him to know how it felt when someone was threatening you with close proximity. "you're the one that said you can't stand me. so why should it matter if other guys are interested in me??" i challenged taking a step towards him again. we were basically face to face. he was peering down at me as i was looking up. 

he leaned down so his mouth was right over my neck "y/n- you are playing a dangerous game right now." i shuddered as his breath tickled my neck.

*time skip to 9:45pm*

It had been a while since minho made me question my whole life, i may have had a few too many drinks and was stumbling only slighty. i also realized i really had to pee. i found a bathroom somewhere in the back and made my way to the toilet. i finished my business and started to make my way back out of the bathroom but was stopped when a man stepped in my path. he was hot.

"hey pretty lady what are u doing back here alone??" he asked

"oh nothing- just taking a pee. had a few too many drinks" i said trying to step around him

"woah beautiful, whats the rush." he stepped infront of me not letting me pass

"im about to puke. so if you dont move ill puke on you :)" i smiled at him. that got him to move right away. 

I didn't actually have to puke.. yet-

"y/n!" i heard jisung yell. "So your plus one was supposed to be Min- "

"yeah ik- i think i figured that out when i saw him here.." i said as the world started to spin "jisung i don't feel too good." 

"y/n what-" i didn't hear the rest before i just blacked out..

A/n: sorry if this sucked. i had to rewrite it like 5 times because i felt like it didn't fit. this was the best i came up with ;)

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