Part 9 :)

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Yunjin and I were enjoying our ice cream peacefully before she said

"yah, isn't it your birthday in like a day. so basically tomorrow??"

"oh it is.. i didnt realize with how crazy things have been." i sighed

"hey. y/n don't freak out.. but i think there is a weird man staring at you.." she said motioning to someone behind me.

I whipped my head around to try and catch the culprit. but when i looked back it was someone familiar. channie. I wonder what he was doing here..

"chan!" i yelled

the man stood up so fast. i couldn't help but giggle. "come over here silly, don't eat your ice cream alone."

he walked over and pulled a chair to mine and. yunjin's table before saying "oh hey Y/n, and Yunjin i think..-" yunjin gave him a thumbs up before motioning him to continue "sorry i didn't mean to seem creepy. i just was out of the dorm for a while bc things were gettting hectic. and i came here. saw someone that looked like you but i wasn't sure, so i was staring to figure it out lmao."

"wait channie rewind .. wdym.. things are getting hectic at the dorm??" i suspiciousy said

"oh god. its so bad. Jisung and Minho haven't talked since you left this morning. idk what was said between the two of them but i think it was about you. they were yelling at each other for a few minutes.. which never happens.." he said before continuing "also maam, what did you mean your just a hate-able person. y/n thats bullshit. everyone at the dorm loves you."

"dont lie. not everyone loves me.." i said looking down

"no im serious there isn't one person that doesn't like you." he said noticing me looking away

"well thats not what Minho had to say to me earlier when i was attacked." i said

he sighed before saying "you should talk to him."

"no way." i simply said "it wouldn't really make a difference. it would just make things worse. there is no way you can convince me to come back to the dorm."

"what if we celebrated your birthday??" he suggested.

"how the fuck do u know its my birthday... wait Jisung told u didn't he.." i said while smacking my forehead.

chan just laughed. it warmed my heart to hear his laugh. made me feel safe. Me, Yunjin, and him continued to talk for another hour before we decided to part ways. Yunjin left a little earlier because she had to stop by her company before going home. it was just me and chan now.

"chan?" i said


"i-uhm im sorry leaving so rushed this morning and im sorry i caused trouble in the family." i said while exhaling a large breath.

"yahh y/n its not your fault." he said pulling me into a hug. "I understand how you were feeling.. and i understand why you left. but please don't let minho get to you."

"did you hear what he said to me. How could i not let that get to me. he was basically saying how he couldn't stand my whole exsistance.. i just don't understand what i did to him to deserve that" i mumbled into his chest before pulling out of the hug.

" i did hear what he said. he told me.. word for word. like you told him too." he said "and im not sure why..Minho has his reasons."

"but why.... i don't deserve this treatment from him." i whined

"i think.. you should come over tomorrow and let us celebrate your birthday.. please. you know what.. actually let us pick you up tomorrow and go somewhere??" he said

"i think i could be talked into that.." i said while smiling.

"yay. omg i have to tell the members. I promise we will be there. all of us.." he said excitedly

Post by Y/n2139<3

Post by Y/n2139<3

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Ran into someone familiar at an ice cream shop

Hannie23: y/n I miss you.
Liked by Y/n2139<3

Hyunjinnie: when are u coming back to the dorm. I do realize you were just here this morning but like it feels like ages agoooo
Y/n2139<3 replied to Hyunjinnie: bro. It's been like 7 hrs since I saw u. Calm ur dramatic ass down lmao.

Post by SeoBinnie32

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Part of the gang had fun today at a show

Y/n2139<3: 2/3 of you look good ;)
Leaderchannie: awww my kids

Post by hyunjinnie

Post by hyunjinnie

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Me waiting for y/n's birthday tmrw. Boutta be lit. ;)

Lixsa: omg same.


a/n: do you guys like these instagram posts???

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