Part 16:)

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I arrived at school the next morning. i couldn't stop thinking about the wedding that night. I was constantly wondering who's plus one i had to be and why Jisung asked me?? doesn't he have other female friends..

It was lunch time now and i had a few questions that i need to ask Jisung. I told wooyoung i would see him later as i walked right by him towards a different table. Jisung was sitting at a table surrounded by a few of his roomates + a few i didn't recognize.

"uh jisung-" i hesitantly said because i didn't want to interuppt him.

everyone at that table went silent and looked at me.

"oh uh sorry- didnt mean to interuppt i just needed to talk to jisung quick." i said quietly

"oh yah, guys this is y/n my best friend." he said to the few unfamiliar faces. they all waved shyly at me, seem like nice people.

Jisung got up and i dragged him away from the table to ask him my questions.

"ok soo.. i found a dress... and blah blah.. what time are u picking me up??" i asked

"ohh so wedding is actually at 6:30 but i didn't want to bore you with that.. so you are just coming to the party after." he said" therefore i will pick you about around 7:35."

"alright sounds good. why can't you tell me who's plus one i am??" i asked

"because :) its not important." he smiled "anyways ive got to go. see you at 7:35"

with that him and i went our seperate ways. I went back to my table and was bombarded with questions from wooyoung. I answered most of them and was annoyed by the time the bell rang. Idk why but i was excited for the next class. maybe it was because of the people in it or something. idk what im feeling.

I walked into class and sat in my spot by the window. I was waiting for my deskmate to come.. but he never did...weird.. i guess i will spend the rest of the day by myself.. really wish he was here..

*time skip to 5:50pm*

I was home and started to do my hair, i was going for curled half up and half down look. when i finished my hair it was around 6:30. i then started on my makeup. for that i was going for a bold red lip with very little eyeshadow.

 for that i was going for a bold red lip with very little eyeshadow

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(This is the makeup, or you can choose what u want)

Because i was trying so hard on my makeup, it was now 7:15. only 20 minutes until jisung will be here. I put on my dress and was ready to go. I waited by the front door until 7:30 and by then i heard a car pull up. I opened the front door and saw Jisung was sitting in the drivers seat waiting. I stepped out locking the door behind me before walking towards the car. 

"wow y/n.. you clean up nicely." he said "i told you anything you would find would look amazing." 

"gee thanks, you as well." i said noticing the nice black suit he was in before sitting down "where is this party anyway?"

"oh its like 10 minutes from here." he replied

we drove the rest of the way jamming out to our favorite songs. When we arrived it was a modern venue. all white with occasionally some black mixed in but mostly white. it was beautiful..Jisung opened my door for me and then we both walked towards the entrance together. We made it inside and it was even nicer. 

not even 2 seconds after stepping inside a girl came running at Jisung to hug him. i stood there awkwardly.. waiting for them to finish.

"oh sorry, this is my bestfriend y/n." jisung said introducing the girl to me.

"hi-" i said quietly

"oh girlll don't be shyyy. im felix's sister olivia!!  i was hugging jisung aggressively because i haven't seen him in a while since i live in australia." she said warmly 

"Oh he didn't mention he had a sister lol." i laughed

"little shit.. he actually has 2." oliva said "anyway ill see you guys later" and then she walked off somewhere else.

"im gonna go get a drink, ill be back." i yelled in jisungs ear because it was kinda loud in here.

"alright!! be safe. come find me when you get your drink." he yelled back

i looked around for drinks and i found them. they were at a table in a back corner. I walked over to them and picked up a glass.

"dress is a little short don't you think?" i heard someone say behind me.

i whipped my head around. "minho- what are you doing here??"

A/N: yeahhhhh

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