Part 18 :)

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When i woke up i was in the back of a car.. a moving car. ah shit was i being kidnapped. I sat up and my head was still spinning. great..  

I looked at the driver. it was minho.. what the- i thought jisung was with me when i passed out. where did he come from?

"your awake." i hear him say from the front.

"yeah- i uh- i thought that Jisung was with me.." i said still trying to get a hold of my surroundings.

"he was- but felix's sister took him back to the dorm with felix. he asked me to bring you home since you are way to wasted to try and call an uber." he said 

"oh ok." i replied before passing back out again. man i was drunk-

I woke up and could feel someones arm under my leg and another arm under my shoulders. i was being carried bridal style. I looked to where i think their head was. Minho. we must have been back to my house. but why was he carrying me.. i coulda walked. 

"yah- put me down. i can walk." i said slapping his chest

"ok." he set me down. 

i took one step and buckled. ok maybe i couldn't walk. i was about to just fall to the ground when he grabbed my arm and threw it over his shoulder.. he wrapped the other hand around my waist to support me. it felt nice.... to have his hand on me. it felt right. it felt warm. i think this alcohol is getting to my brain- 

i could feel my dress riding up threatening to show the bottom of my ass. i should probably fix that. I used my other hand that wasn't on his shoulder to pull my dress down. 

"i told you your dress was too short." he said as we reached the door. 

"aish shut up. im too drunk to argue with you." i slurred.

we made it through the door and he was still holding me by the waist to guide me.. and that was all i remember before falling asleep i think. 

*minhos pov*

god she is drunk.. she couldn't even walk to her own bedroom. i kept my hand on her waist to guide her. it just felt right. i liked the feeling of my hand on her waist, i liked the feeling of being close to her.

i dont know why i treat her the way i do. i am very unfair to her sometimes and i know that. i know that i treat her like shit sometimes too. I guess i just don't want her to see how much i actually like her. maybe that's why i chucked that book at her face... because i was jealous of wooyoung and i was aiming at him but hit her.. oops. i played it off by being an asshole, gosh what is wrong with me.. she doesn't deserve that. and i realized that she didn't deserve that after Jisung talked some sense into me the day she was jumped. i felt so bad for that. i wanted to kiss all her tears away and hold her but i couldn't. i wanted to make her forget about all the bad things but i couldn't. anyways back to the present-

 i know she can't sleep in this phenomenal  dress. its been hard to keep my hands to myself but i have managed. i changed her into some pj's carefully. i made sure not to touch anything i wasn't supposed to and i made sure not to look at anything i wasn't meant to see. so i was very respectful. i even wiped her makeup off for her becuase i know you arn't supposed to sleep in it.

I was about to walk away but she grabbed my wrist and said "stay please. i don't want to be alone." 

"y/n i can't-" i started

"please. stay. i dont want to be alone." she repeated.

"ok i will sleep on the couch" i said. 

she let go of my wrist and slipped into a slumber, I watched her sleep peacefully.. she was beautiful.. her black hair was still curly.. her skin was smooth.. her lips were perfect. god i wanted to kiss her. but not like this- it isn't right. instead i brushed her hair off her forehead and placed a kiss on her forehead. One day- just one day- i hope i get to kiss her as mine. But idk if she will ever like me considering how much of an asshole i have been towards her.

A/N: heelhewhofheowhowhf

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