Part 24 :)

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I awoke from the slumber i was in. I remember falling asleep on the ground in changbin's embrace.. i was now lying on the couch alone with a blanket wrapped around my body.. did every one leave me??? i looked around and realized i wasn't completely alone.. Minho was silently sitting on the end of the couch watchinng me wake up. creep but cute at the same time.

"creep, were u just watching me sleep..." i directed at him

"you were too cute to wake up" he said

"how did i end up on the couch??" i now sat up blushing while taking the blanket off... revealing the top i forgot i had on.

His eyes flew down to my chest..his cheeks turned a little pink hehe "well when you fell asleep on changbin.. he lifted u up on the couch before he went to bed" he said looking back at my eyes

"oh- i was comfy on him" i said knowing that minho would be jealous.

"hey hey now.. lets not do that :) plus you don't know how comfy i could be" he raised an eyebrow and opened his arms.

"what do you want-" i said looking him up and down with an attitude

"wtf do i want- isnt it obvious." he snarked

"I thought you didn't like affection" I questioned

"Fine then, I'll just go to bed-" he said starting to stand up

"Fine. go idc." i turned my head away from him. I was going to win this battle. Peridot

"UGHHH Y/N I WANT TO CUDDLE YOUUUU. ACCEPT MY CUDDLES PLEASE" he begged, falling dramatically back on the couch

"Did THE Lee Minho just say PLEASE" I teased...

"Y/n. quit being difficult... you're just different ok." He said now locking eyes with me

"Fine. Only cuz you're cute..." I got up off the couch where I was sitting and walked over to his outstretched arms. He was laying on his side kinda so there is a spot for me next to him. as i laid down he draped his arm over me and squeezed .i felt.. safe in his embrace. 

I felt him lay his chin on top of my head. then he exhaled. 

"this is nice." he said ever so quiet

"yeah- it is." i snuggled a little closer into his chest. 

before i knew it- i was drifting off into a slumber. 

A/N: i am so sorry that this took so long. Was busy with finals, fighting off sickness, work, etc. Promise to update way more often!!

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