part 4 :)

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Us three had started our trudge back to their dorm. The leg i had scrapped in the bush was stinging a little bit. I didnt look at it and just kept walking. We had reached the dorm. When Jisung was about to open the door he turned to me and said

"Ok ik you hate Minho hyung but please refrain from chucking any books at his face please."

"That's not happening. I need payback." I said

" Please don't chuck any books. As your best friend i am asking you." He begged

"Ugh fine, only because you're the one asking me. Now open this dam door its cold" I said

And with that jisung swung open the door yelling that he's home. A few of the members came to the door to see what the commotion was. They were all taken back by the fact that a girl was standing in their doorway. They immediately started to bow and introduce them selves.

"Yk it's ok to skip the honorifics, I don't mind. You can just call me y/n." I stated

As if they all had the same mind they spoke in unison "hello y/n."

I was counting the heads and realized there were only 5 greeting me + the 2 next to me. That's 7. One is missing. As i scanned the somewhat familiar faces I realized the one person i didnt want to see wasn't there. That immediately brightened my mood.

"Well guys this is y/n, the friend I always talk about." jisung finally spoke up. "And im taking her to my room to treat her nose."

it was then that everyone had noticed my very much purple nose. one of the taller boys with long blonde hair and a perfect face card spoke up, "uhh y/n what happened." He asked

I simply smiled and said "ask your roommate."

Jisung led me to his room, it was a simple grey/aesthetic room with a bathroom. The door to the said bathroom was closed. I just shrugged and jumped on the bed i would assume is jisung's. As i sat myself upright jisung said:

"Ill brb i need to go get the medical supplies from channies bathroom. stay here."

I sat there in silence waiting for Jisung, i heard the bathroom door open next to me and holy shit.. I've never seen such a perfect sculpted torso. I dragged my eyes up to meet his dark and glossy eyes. It was the one and only Minho who just so happened to hate me. I only noticed his torso without realizing he was wearing just a towel around his waist. He scanned me sitting on the bed and halted at my bruised nose for a split second before continuing to look me up and down and pausing again, this time at my leg. The one that was stinging a bit.

"Get out." He said

"Fuck you, I don't want to listen to what you have to say. im here for Jisung." I simply said while rolling my eyes.

"yeah i really dont care, you're bleeding on my floor. so get out." he replied while pointing to the door.

I looked down to notice that the little cut i got from the bush was not so little. turns out it was much bigger of a cut then i thought. It was bleeding quite a bit actually. I stood up fast, that was a mistake. i started to go a little dizzy and tried to take a step. I could feel how light my head was and the world had started to spin. i squeezed my eyes shut and started to rub my head.

i heard someone scoff and then a door opened.

"Han your little girl toy in here is about to pass out." someone yelled out to the main room.

"i'm not his-" i started to say but couldn't finish because i went limp. I felt someones arms wrap around me before gently picking me up and carrying me bridal style. that was all i remembered before fully blacking out.

when i woke up i was in a dark unfamiliar living room. And i was surrounded by 7 pairs of eyes. One of which being right up in my face shaking me.

"y/n istg if you dont wake tf up rn.. we gonna have issues." he said

I could easily recognize him as Jisung.

"jisung you have two seconds to get out of my face befor- " i started to say but was interuppted by someone

"oh good y/n your awake! i was a little worried when i had to carry you out of hannies room" came from a voice

I looked for the source of the voice, i found the person whos voice i heard. He was a well built man. He had a wide smile that caused a few dimples. cute.

"oh sorry, im Chan, you can call me chris tho if you want or chan or whatever you would like." he said while smiling at me.

"nice to meet you.. but uhm what exactly happened." i said trying to recall the recent events

"well you lost a little too much blood and passed out" a boy replied who i believe was Hyunjin.

Im still looking around noticing the darkness, in a panicked tone i asked "yah what time is it.."

"its about 11pm, why?" changbin replied

"FUCK. I NEED TO GET HOME. FUCK FUCK FUCK-" i was cut off, again.

"AISHHH y/n QUIT SWEARING. just sleep here. its the weekend tmrw" Jisung said

"absolutely not." came from a voice somewhere behind the other members that were surrounding me.

I whipped my head in that direction and made eye contact with him. I got the sudden energy to spring up. I lifted my finger at him and said "you" while scowling

I looked around me for anything to throw, I saw a platform shoe sitting on the ground by the couch, I bent to pick it up, and raised it. Then i chucked it with all my force at his perfect face. He dodged it with ease before saying "you missed" while smirking

"IM GONNA KILLL YOU LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO MY FACE" i said while trying to find another thing to throw.

I was held back by multiple hands gripping my arms.

"aish hide the throwable things." i heard Jisung say.

A/n: helloooo , lmk if yall like this or want something different

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