Part 6 :)

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i was awoken by a crashing sound.I opened my eyes. it was still dark out so i knew it wasn't morning yet. i sat up to see if i could see anything. Nothing caught my eyes except a light coming from under a door towards the back of the hallway. Me being my curious self got up and started to walk towards it. I pressed my body to the door and ear. I could hear a mouse clicking and dragging a lot. Then i could hear some raw vocals coming from a recording. They were beautiful, i wondered who could sing that well. I didn't realize how hard i was leaning on the door until it gave way and i fell forward into the room landing on my stomach with an "oof."

"y/n? what are you doing awake." i glanced up and saw Chan rushing over to help me.

"oh uh.. i heard a noise.." i replied awkwardly while he helped lift me up. "what are you doing up." i returned the question.

"i couldn't sleep. never can haha." he laughed. but i could sense a tone of sadness in the laugh.

"uh chan are you ok.." i hesitantly asked.

"oh yeah. dw im good." he said giving me a thumbs up while returning to the desk where he was sitting. i then noticed he had three monitors connected in front of him. behind the screens was a room that looked like a recording studio.

"wait. Bang Christopher Chan do you make music??" i asked excited

"yeah uh i do." he said scratching the nap of his neck.

"i haven't really told anyone this, but i dance." i said shyly. "maybe i could dance to one of your songs."

"that would be awesome..." he said while staring at the screen blankly.

"ok so you are clearly not fine, whats bothering you..spill rn." i said

he took a deep breath before replying with "ok, so i'm  working on this song right, and i have everyone's lines recorded-"

"hold up.. everyones" i interuppted.

"oh sorry hannie must have forgot to mention that the whole group makes music together. we are actually a group called Stray kids." he said

"im actually gonna commit a crime against him. he's hid this whole life from me." i sighed

chan let out such a heartwarming cackle before saying. "please don't i need him for producing. Hannie, Me, and Changbin are actually the producers of the group. We call ourselves 3racha."

"aishhh. Jisung tells me nothing anymore.." i say while pouting. "oh im sorry please continue what you were saying about recording everyones lines butttt"

"oh right! well i have everyones parts recorded and im tryna figure out a beat that best fits this part here. *he plays a line from a song*. As you can see its a much slower part of the song. not as upbeat and exciting yk." he exspressed.

"ohh i see. whos line is it" i asked

"oh thats Minhos line." he said

i realized the line he was playing was the same line that was playing when i was listening from outside. It was beautiful. but it came from such an awful mouth.

"wait- you're telling me that Minho. the fucker who broke my nose. CAN SING." i practically screamed.

"yahhh y/n keep it down. its like 4 am others are sleeping. and yes he can sing, and dance quite well actually." he said

so me and Minho have at least 2 things in common. 1-we both hate the other and 2-we both like to dance.

"oh- i- uh- sorry." i mumbled.

"y/n?" chan asked

"yeah?" i said

" do you uh- wanna help me with his line. and help me find the right beat?" he asked

"i would love to." i happily replied. "plus its not like im going back to bed anytime soon.

Post by Y/N2139<3

Post by Y/N2139<3

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Studio besties :3

Hannie23: y/n wtf it's like 4am.
Leaderchannie: tysm for the help ;)
Seobinnie32: so yall were gonna be in the studio and just not tell me. I see how it is
Y/n2139<3 replied to Seobinnie32: I'm sorryyy Binnieeee I still love you :)

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