Part 19 :)

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I stretched in my bed as the sun shone through, i sat up and holy shit- i had a pounding headache.. fuck that hurts. i remember some of the events of the night before but not much. i also do remember the part where minho is sleeping on my couch... ugh why did i ask him to stay. i have school today but f that- im too hungover for that. Maybe a cold shower will help..

I took like a 30 minute cold shower. that shit felt refreshinggggg. still had a killer headache. but hey nothing a little extra sleep and medicine couldn't fix.. i picked up my phone to take a little scroll through insta..

Post by _LeeKnow_

Post by _LeeKnow_

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Had fun at a wedding ig

Hannie23: had fun with y/n righttt?? i know you helped her home.. hehe
Puppymin: hyung u clean up nicely
Innie: bro- u didn't come home last night. Where was you

Post by Lixsa

Post by Lixsa

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Thank you vogue ;)

Y/N2139<3: are u all models. Dayum.
_LeeKnow_ replied to y/n2139<3: yes
Leaderchannie: oi Felix cmhere bro

Ok thats. it i have seen too many handsome men in the span of 20 seconds.. i got dressed and was wearing a pair of jeans with a loose sweater on top.i also decided i should probably leave my room...

I walked out of my room and immediately saw him asleep on the couch. He still had on his dress clothes from last night. the shirt he was wearing was slightly unbuttoned on the top revealing the start of a very muscled chest. he had a blanket covering the bottom half of his legs but it was starting to fall off. after him taking care of me, the least i could do is pull the blanket up to cover him. 

I walked over to him..i grabbed the blanket and pulled it up over his chest so it was up to his neck. i gave him a little pat before walking to the kitchen. hmm what should i make for breakfast..

I decided on eggs for breakfast. i got them out and cracked them on the pan on the stove. i then waited for them to start cooking. i did some more waiting. and some more. argh why arn't these cooking.. wtf. 

"the stove isnt on." i hear him say from behind me. he was standing on the other side of the island. i didn't even hear him get up.

"huh? when did you wake up-" i was a little startled

he disregarded my question and walked around the island to where i was. he stood right in front of me looking down. "i said.... the stove isn't on." as he said that. he used a hand to reach around my waist to turn the dial of the stove on, he kept is hand on the dial. i could feel his arm touching my waist. we stayed un-moving for a while.. until he took his hand off the dial setting it on my waist and pushing me to the side."go sit down..i'll cook the eggs." 

"oh-uh ok.. little weird that you are making my food in my house.." i shrugged taking a seat at the island. 

It only took him a swift 5 minutes to finish the eggs. he put them on one plate before walking around the island to sit down right next to me. he set the plate between the two of us before saying 

"ok eat." 

"uh- isn't that your plate?" i asked

"nope we are sharing if thats ok.." he replied looking at me for any sign of hesitation.

"oh alright." i said digging into the eggs.

we both just shoved the eggs into our mouth. we clearly must have been hungry. i didn't even notice i was making a mess until he said 

"uh y/n.. you have a little something." he said pointing to my cheek

"what- where." i tried to get it off but was failing.

"here lemme help you." he reached up with a hand and cupped my face. he used his thumb to get the crumb off. i looked into his eyes as he looked into mine. i could feel my cheeks getting hot as his hand was still cupping my face. i felt his other hand cup the other side of my face. i watched his eyes flash to my lips before going back to my eyes. he leaned in closer. our lips were millimeters apart. both of our breathing had grown a little heavier. it was my turn now to look at his lips. as i did that i felt his soft lips press against mine and i closed my eyes melting into the kiss-

a/n: hai hai

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