Part 5:)

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it had been 20 minutes since i tried to throw everything in my sight at Minho. Me and him had been separated to opposite sides of the dorm. I was in a room with chan, changbin, and Jisung, while the other 5 were in a room somewhere else. It was starting to get pretty late, almost rounding 1am, and i was tired, really tired, with the day i have had. i was looking around the room and noticed the three men around me getting comfortable.

*takes a picture*

"yah y/n what was that for." Chan questioned while slightly smiling

"sorry you guys just looked cute together." i replied

"speaking of which you and minho would be cute together." Jisung mumbled under his breath.

I slowly looked at him. Making sure i heard him correctly, and Judging by the giggling coming from the trio i knew i did.

"Han Jisung. you have 3 seconds to run before i find something to throw at you." i threatened.

With that threat he immediately jumped behind Chan and Changbin. "Hyung protect me im scared of her." he said

" i cant deal with this shit rn. im tried and going to find somewhere to sleep." i sighed

"y/n you can sleep in my room if you want. i dont mind." jisung suggested.

"Considering the fact that you share a room with Minho, i would rather kill myself" i snapped

"okk well..." chan spoke up "how about y/n sleeps in my room and i sleep on the couch."

"i cant ask you to do that. this is your dorm, i can sleep on the couch, dont worry about it. " i said

"are you sure?" they all asked in unison.

"yes im sure. I have a couch at home. ive slept on one before." i said "but imma need some clothes so Jisung go get some for me :)"

Jisung sprung up and ran to his room. He was back in a minute with an oversized sweatshirt and some pj pants. "sorry if these are too big."

"its fine." i said while snatching the clothes out of his hand and walking to the nearest bathroom to change.

I reached what i thought was a bathroom with the door shut. I grabbed the handle and started to rattle it. "who's in here open it."

I heard a groan come from inside then a flush then the sink. Someone opened the door swiftly. I looked up and ugh it was him.

He sighed in an annoyed tone before saying "Did you find something new to throw at me? "

"stfu ill rip this door off the hinges and throw it at you." i said glaring at him.

"oh i'd like to see you try." he said smirking

"ugh you know what. You're not worth my time. I hate you." i said

"awww. i'm glad we feel the same way" he says while leaning down closer to me. He kept coming closer and closer until his mouth was right next to my ear. I could feel his hot breath tickle my neck. Redness started to creep on my cheeks. "now get out" he said so faintly only i could hear before standing back up straight.

"Uhm. whats going on here.." i heard behind me.

I whipped my head around fast. It was Hyunjin. He was just standing there watching everything unfold. i wondered how long he had been standing there and if he witnessed what just happened..

"nothing." i replied while swiftly walking by him. he followed me and said he is also sleeping on the couch. im not sure why but i didnt question it . I just decided to sleep in my clothes and not brush my teeth. I made my way to the couch and plopped down. Hyunjin plopped down on the other end of the couch and sprawled out. Tiredness hit me like a truck but i wanted to post on instagram first. so i pulled out my phone and did just that.

"Hyunjin Smile." i said

He quick posed and that was that.

Post by y/n2139<3

 Post by y/n2139<3

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Hyunjin decided to join me on the couch ;)

Hyunjinnie:I was tired <3 and your a calm person to be around
Liked by y/n2139

Yangjeongin: y/n you could have taken my bed I wouldn't have minded.

Y/n2139 replied to Yangjeongin:don't worry ab it innie. The couch is just as comfy :3

LeeMinho replied to Yangjeongin:i would have


I was shocked at the comment. i didn't even know he followed me. He was probably just saying he would have minded because he doesn't want me in the same house as him. right?...

A/n: hey

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