part 14 :)

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It had been 15 or so minutes since Minho sat down next to me. I hadn't looked at him since. i was a little curious as to what he was doing so i took a little glance. He had his arm folded on the desk and was resting his head on top of it. He was facing towards me.. and he was sleeping. cute..

I studied his face, his nose, his lips, his eyes, his ears. everything. I watched his back rise and fall in an even pattern as he would breath. His hair.. oh god. it looked so fluffy and soft and silky. he had a strand hanging out of place. without thinking i reached my hand out fix it. I brushed it to the side then kept my hand on the side of his face. I swear i felt him lean into my touch. 

"mhm that feels nice." he mumbled sorta half asleep. fuck is he awake i thought while pulling my hand back fast.

I distracted myself by pretending to right things down. Hoping he would just think he was dreaming. No way i could let this man know i was whipped for him. not an option. I glanced back to make sure he went back asleep again. motherfucker was wide awake. staring at me with his head now propped up on his hand.

"why are u staring at me.. stop." i said

"i could say the same." he replied

"wtf does that mean." i said defensively 

"were you not just staring at me?" he said sitting up fully.

"no i wasn't." i said firmly. how did he know.. his eyes were not open. therefore he could not see me.. bitch what

"mmk what ever you say princess." he said sighing before looking forward smirking. i swear my heart skipped a beat at that word.

i whipped my head towards him "tf did you just call me?" 

no response. ugh why does he have to be difficult..

we spent the rest of the class in silence. i would occasionally look over and he would already be looking. Or the other way around and he would catch me staring. sigh what is life

*time skip*

I walked home from school and plopped down on my bed. I saw i had a text from Jisung telling me to come over to his dorm because he had a favor to ask. I replied with an ok and told him i would be there soon.

I arrived at the dorm and noticed that no one else was home yet. just jisung. but hey im fine with that tbh. except maybe i wanted one other person there... 

"jisunggg im here" i yelled through the dorm.

"coming." i hear him yell from somewhere down a hallway. 

It wasn't long before he came running to meet me.

"heyyyy. so the reason i invited you over was because i have a favor to ask." he said

"ok...what is it" i said hesitantly..

"so this friend of mine is having a wedding...and i have this other friend that needs a plus one.." he said

"ok..continue.." i said

"sooo will you be my friends plus one to my other friends wedding. sorry if thats confusing." he said rubbing the nape of his neck

"depends who the friend is.." i said questioningly.

"you'll just have to see at the wedding." he said smiling.

"ugh fine i will. whats the dresscode." i gave a defeated sigh. 

"black, but anything you wear will be beautiful." he said poking my nose.

"thank you jisung also when is this said wedding??" i said

"oh its tomorrow at 8pm."

"JISUNG, I HAVE TO FIND AN OUTFIT IN ONE DAY!" i said grabbing him by the collar

"y/n relaxxx you will find something.. you always do. and it will look amazing." he replied while prying my fingers off of him and straightening his collar. 

Jisung and I talked for a little after that before we said our goodbyes and i went home. I wonder who the plus one is??

A/N: hiiii

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