Part 13 :)

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*time skip*

I had made it to the first half of my classes already. It was now lunch time. i was sitting with a few friends at lunch, one of which being Wooyoung.

"your nose looks a little better.." he said

"oh yeah. all thanks to makeup." i said recalling the events of last friday. It was weird how Minho had chucked a book at my face.. and then i proceeded to spend my whole weekend around him, not to mention my birthday and he turned somewhat nice. I lowkey wonder if the fight him and jisung had caused this. I cant think of any other reason why he would just randomly start being nice.

I heard a bell ring and got up to go to my next class. I walked in and the first thing the teacher says is "new seating!."

be fucking for real. I really do not wanna switch seats. And this is the one class i have with minho. so you could say i am praying i don't sit by him. like praying..

"you here, you over there, you there.." the teacher said as he went down the list. pointing at each student and where to go.

"you there.." he said now pointing at me and then pointing to a table. It was a table counter looking desk thing with two seats one by the window and then the other one on the other side of it along the isle of the classroom. i took the one by the window. I busied myself by getting settled. i set my back pack and began to unpack things. I soon felt a swish of air as someone sat down next to me.

I was looking down at my stuff when i said "hi im y/n-" I cut myself off when i looked next to me and shit.

"i already know who you are." minho said meeting my eyes

"oh- its you." i said a little annoyed turning back to focus on my stuff

"whats that supposed to mean? Don't act like i didn't just save your life this morning." he said. I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my face. I didn't dare look at him. I couldn't.. it would expose my cheeks yet again blushing at his presence.

I stayed silent at his question. I didn't have the energy for this lol.

"fine be like that." i heard him say under his breath before finally taking his eyes off me.

A/n: sorry for the short chapter :)

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