Part 21 :)

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We stood like that for a while. just enjoying the feeling of being in each-others arms

"Minho?" i asked

"yeah" he looked up at me

"i don't wanna date yet if thats ok?? i kinda just wanna feel things out before jumping into anything" 

"of course. I dont wanna rush either. Because i have a feeling this could be something good. it would be a shame to waste it." he said smiling softly. He kinda reminded me of a cat lol "but could we at least tell Han??"

"oh yeah duh- i forgot about him" i agreed

"I should probably return to the dorm..My phone has been blowing up with messages asking where i am." he said while he unwrapped his arms from my waist and stood up.

"oh-okay." i was a little sad he was leaving because we just got comfortable with each other.

"you should come back to the dorm with me" he suggested "we can act like we still hate each other. but i will still make moves on you when no ones looking." he smiled deviously. i blushed hard

"wait that works perfect because i need to talk to hyunjin about some fashion things." i smiled

*time skip*

We arrived at the dorm separately. He walked in 10 minutes before me to seem like we hadn't been together. when i stepped inside a few members looked surprised to see me.

"oh y/n we weren't expecting you!." i heard chan say

"oh sorry to come by unannounced- i just needed to talk to Hyunjin about a few clothing things." i smiled 

"well have at it." he gestured towards hyunjin's room down the hallway. 

I didn't even notice Minho was standing in the kitchen watching me interact with chan. i almost forgot we had to act like we hated each other.

"what are you looking at." i scowled walking past him

"aish- i see they still hate each other" chan mumbled while letting out a disappointed sigh

I made it to hyunjins room and went inside.. shit he wasn't here. maybe hes out with another member. i turned around and walked back to the living room. the members who were here were sitting on the couch. 

"well nvm then- hes not here i said." plopping down on the left side of chan. on the other side of the couch was minho. so basically chan was on my right, then on his right was minho. on my left a few spaces down was seungmin then felix. so hyunjin must be out with changbin, I.N and Jisung. they will probs be back soon enough. "since you guys seem bored lets watch a movie or go get something to eat. its about lunch time." 

"im down to eat something."minho said

"i wasn't talking about you." i rolled my eyes. dayum im good at this hehe

"y/n if we are going to eat. we are all going.." chan said

"ugh fine-" i sighed in defeat.

Seungmin called the other members to see if they wanted to join us for lunch, they said they would just meet us there. oh well fine by me.

the car arrangement was interesting. so in the drivers seat we had Chan, in the front passanger we had Felix. then in the back I had to sit in the middle because i was the smallest, then on my right was minho and on my left was seungmin. this was gonna be a long car ride because apparently Felix wanted to go to some restaurant 2 hrs away. like bro what- why not something in town.. 

it only took 30 minutes for seungmin and Felix to fall asleep. Chan was busy singing along to the radio and driving to pay attention to the backseat. typical dad. I was looking out seungmin's side of the car when i felt a hand graze the side of my thigh before laying on top of it. 

i snapped my head towards minho meeting his eyes then whispering "what if they see." 

"they won't" he gave my thigh a tight squeeze.

"im gonna commit a crime against you if this is how they find out.. istg." i threatened.

"you're hot when your mad." he said sliding his hand a little higher up my thigh while looking down at my lips. "you know... i haven't been able to stop thinking about that kiss this morning.." 

"well you won't get another one if you're not careful." i said turning my head away from him 

i felt his hand lift off of my thigh and then i felt it grab my chin turning it back towards him. blush creeped onto my face. 

"wanna bet?" he challenged. "wait- is that blush i see on your cheeks." 

"no-" i slapped his hand away. turning even more red

"i love seeing you a flustered mess" he chuckled.

"what did you say??" channie said from the front

"nothing." minho and i said in unison. "just talking to myself." minho added

"oh okay thought you said something." chan focused back on driving. 

this boy is a tease.. and i love it

A/n: yeyeyeye

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