Part 23 :)

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*time skip to later tonite*

i was able to pick up some overnight things on the way back from pizza. we made it to the dorm and as soon as we all got in we were bored. not even two seconds after getting back. lol.

"how about we just hang around for a little then watch a movie??" i suggested. the movie was all a part of my plan to get back at minho...hehe

"sure y/n! how about everyone meets back here in about 30 minutes." chan adressed the others


"YAH MOVIE TIME" changbin yelled in his loud ass voice

everyone gathered in the living room for the movie. we were standing all awkwardly staring at the couch knowing we all cant fit. only 7 of us can.. and there are 9. me being me i decided i can sit on the floor. I plopped down on the floor with my back to the couch saying "ill sit here, the floor is comfy anyway :)" Changbin sat on the floor next to me. Perfect now everyone can sit on the couch. Sitting right behind me on the couch was Jisung. I felt him put his legs on each side of me. he then pulled my shoulders back so i was leaning back. next to jisung was minho of course. and the others filled in around.

We decided on watching a scary movie, Which i wasn't to fond of but its not my house so i'll watch whatever they want. Jisung had curled into a ball on the couch removing his legs from around me. Missing that touch i leaned into changbin who draped his arm around my shoulder. I snuggled into his side when the jump scares would come. I was so distracted by the movie that i almost forgot my plan. time to activate said plan..

"ill be right back. i'm gonna go change into my pj's" i got up from the floor. Minho and the others eyeing me suspiciously. i walked to the back where my bag was in Jisung room. i may or may not have packed some revealing pj's... hehe.. idc who saw me as long as i made minho flustered. here are the pj's---

(as you can see a little revealing

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(as you can see a little revealing.)

I finished changing after about 3 minutes and was ready to execute my plan. i was getting a little nervous as i was preparing to open the door. what if this is completely embarrassing... ugh oh well might as well go out there. From where Jisung's room was i could see the back of everyones head. there was a stack of blankets next to the tv i was gonna bend over and grab one. Minho was drinking something.. perfect.. i hope he would chokes on his drink when he sees me not gonna lie.

I casually strutted back to the living room. i watched as all the members stared at me in awe. Minho paused with the drink still held up to his mouth. He was scanning me from head to toe. 

"its a little cold. i'm gonna grab a blanket." i bent down to pick up a blanket..i felt my shorts pull up a little bit..revealing the bottom of my ass.. and someone started choking. just what i wanted to happen... plan is going good so far. oh shit- actually a few people started choking.. oops.. sorry not sorry. i got my target thats all that matters. 

"uhm minho are you good.." i heard chan saying looking over at him with concern. I looked at minho and stared into his eyes, then his lips, then back to his eyes. his face was reddddd. like i thought he was boutta explode red. mental note: mission accomplished. I watched as his eyes went from my lips to eyes to my reveling top back to my eyes and so on. 

"yeah minho.. what made you go so red??" i said raising an eyebrow at him. 

"no-not-nothing" he said in between his coughing fits. his face only growing redder. 

"if you say so.." i sat back down in my spot on the ground. changbin put his arm back around me. i felt nice and warm and i just remember falling asleep. 

A/N: favorite skz solo song??? personally mine is Limbo, i hate to admit, I got it, and Rev it up. 

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