part 3 :)

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"HANNIEEEEE" i screamed in the dorm

"Yahhh my ears. What do you want hyung " He instantly replied poking his head out of his room that he shared with Minho.

"We are going for a walk, come now." I said grabbing his wrist starting to drag him towards the door. Jisung started to hesitate as i dragged him. He was complaining about how he hates exercising.

"Would you quit the whining. It's a walk with y/n." I simply said. That made him stop dead in his tracks. He stared at me with widened eyes before saying :

"Uhm. When did you guys meet.. i thought i was the only one she knew in this dorm."

I gave a small chuckle at his shocked expression and went out the door before explaining how me and y/n ran into each other. When i was finished telling that interesting encounter we had reached the park.


I saw the two fuckers come into view around the corner. I decided im going to scare them. Knowing Jisung is jumpy this was going to be fun. There were a few bushes surrounding the entrance to the park. I quickly jumped into one accidentally slicing my leg a little. No worries tho just a little cut. I could slightly hear Changbin saying

" and yeah that's how me met.."

They passed right by the bush i was in. I slowly stood up and charged them. mainly targeting Jisung.

"YAH YOU LITTLE SHIT. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERENT A LONELY NOBODY THAT HAD FRIENDS. NOT TO MENTION 7 ROOMATES." I yelled as i reached my target. I jumped on jisung's back wrapping my arms around his neck putting him in a chokehold. He screamed so loud you would have thought he was being kidnapped.

"Y/n WHAT THE FU-" he started to say

"Shhh. Don't you dare say anything or i will lay you flat on your back." I cut him off.

"WAIT, lemme explain ok.. don't kill me please." He said

He then went on to explain how he and all his roomates were roomates. And how they met, how they care for each other so much and blah blah, he kinda lost me when he started to talk about himself.

"Ok ok enough about u bitch, who are all these said roomates" i questioned.

" well you see we have Bang Chan, Lee Minho- " he started

"Ok now hold up.. Minho as in THE MINHO, the one who hates my guts..." i said

"Bitch lemme finish then I'll answer your questions.. ok anyway where was i.. ok after Minho we have Changbin here." He said motioning to the boy who has been silent this whole time. " then Hwang Hyunjin, me obviously, then Lee Felix yk the sunshine boy in the hallways, then Kim seungmin, then Yang Jeongin.." he stated

"So you're telling me that, your mf roomates with all these people that we pass in the hallways and y'all act like you don't know each other." I questioned

"Yes basically :)." He said

"I'll never understand that.. ok now answer my question." I said as i rubbed my temples

"Ohhh right about Minho hyung.." he started. "What do you want to know."

"First, why are u friends with him, and second why does he hate me." I said

"Welll to answer the first one, me and him are inseparable, and he is actually super caring and kind. And to answer the second one, he doesn't hate your guts." He replied

"He doesn't hate me, that's bullshit, the fucker chucked a book at my face this morning." I said

"Ohhh yaaaa he told me about that. He said it was hilarious." He giggled

"HILARIOUS, ARE U KIDDING ME, MY NOSE IS A BRUISED MESS BECAUSE OF HIM." I screamed at him pointing to my very much bruised face.

"I have an idea." Changbin said after being silent this whole time. " why don't you come back to the dorm with us and we can care for it. Channie probably has some medical supplies in the bathroom"

"Ugh, only because I don't have homework.." i said. " before we go tho can we take a picture to post on instagram?? I wanna show everyone my new bestie and my other one." I said scowling at Jisung.

Post by   y/n2139<3

Post by   y/n2139<3

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Made a new bestie today. Meet binnie #bestie4lyfe

Hannie23 : uhm excuse me where am i, i was sitting right next to him.
Y/n2139 replied to Hannie23: cropped you out <3

SeoBinnie32: YEEAAHHH that's me y'all
Liked by y/n2139
A/n: is this story going ok so far??? It's my first one

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