Part 7 :)

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Me and chan ended up staying in the studio working on things together until we heard commotion out in the kitchen. We both went to see who was up at the ass crack of dawn. We rounded the corner to the kitchen and someone was standing in front of the stove cooking. it smelt really good.

"mmmhm smells really go-" i stopped talking as soon as the person turned around. It was Minho.. "nvm it smells like ass. whatever you're cooking."

"chan hyung what is she still doing here. make her leave" he said pointing at me with a spatula before turning back around to tend to the food."aish- i burnt the food because she distracted me with her awful presence."

"Im not gonna make her leave. She is a guest... also if you burnt the food just go buy some at the store or something idk." chan said. "oh and also take y/n with you please."

"WHAT." Minho and i yelled in unison. while looking at the other in disgust.

"you heard what i said, either she goes with to get the food or you don't eat." chan explained

i sighed and was on the verge of tears at the thought of being alone with him. ugh. its gonna be. really hard not to throw something at that perfect face. wait why am i calling his face perfect, i don't even like him..

"ugh. Im only doing this because i want food.. dont even think you mean anything to me." Minho said walking by me to the front door.

"yah wait" i yelled after him. he in fact did not wait. by the time i had gotten my shoes and coat on, he was halfway down the street.

I was about halfway to him when i felt someone harshly grab my wrist and drag me into the alley. i was about to scream when a hand was clamped over my mouth. slightly hitting my nose. that didn't feel too good because my nose is still healing. i could feel tears start to form

when i lifted my eyes to meet whoever was holding on to me. i was just met with rage. i didn't recognize who it was but they felt familiar..

"give me your wallet." he sneered.

"i-i dont have one on me right now." i said

"bullshit, where is it." he started to drag his hands down my body looking for pockets and or anything that was valuable.

"please sto-stop, i dont have any money on me." i said in a panicked tone.

"i dont believe you." he said meeting my eyes and coming a little too close to my face. he harshly grabbed my chin squeezing a little too hard before saying "where. is. the. money."

"WHAT MONEY. I TOLD YOU I DON'T HAVE ANY." i screamed at him.

that angered him because he let go of my chin and slapped a hand across my face. I could feel the stinging from the fresh mark. I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. they just started falling. he released me and i just slumped against the wall, falling on my butt. I curled into a ball as he started to stand over me. No not stand over me. Loom over me. I was prepared to take a kick to the face or ribs.. but it never came. I heard a grunt and looked up, the man who had been standing over me was now doubled over on the floor.

"leave. and never come back." i heard a voice say.

I looked up with my stinging cheek and watery eyes, it was Minho. god why does he always swoop in at the last second. And why does he look so good. i could see anger in his eyes while he was watching the mystery attacker walk away. i was pulled out of my thoughts when a hand. was waving in front of my face.

"hey. earth to y/n." Minho said.

"uh-i-.." started to come out of my mouth but i was interrupted..

"are you hurt." he said

"what." i wasn't sure if i heard that correctly. the stone cold man who hated me.. was asking if i was hurt..

"y/n answer my question." he said now looking me in the eyes. i could see a hint of worry, but he masked it pretty quickly.

"i- uhm just got hit in the face.. nothing to bad." i finally said.

i could hear him almost make an ugh sound before he said "can you try not to get killed. everyone at home will murder me."

He instantly stood up and started walking away. not even helping me up. what an asshole..

"HEY." i yelled at him.

He turned around before saying "what do you want."

"what the fuck is your problem. first you chuck a book at my face and basically break my nose. You express how much you hate me daily, and then i get attacked and you won't even help me up." i yelled while standing up from the ground

he walked back towards me, so close that i backed into the wall. He was right in front of me. peering down.

"you wanna know what my problem is.." he said calmly

"yes i do actually. why do you hate me so much." i was still yelling

"you. you are my problem. I cannot stand to see you, to look at you, to hear you. anything. i cant stand you." he seethed

My jaw hung open and i just stood there. taking in what he just said..

"close your mouth. its not that surprising." he used his pointer finger to push my jaw back up. closing my mouth. "the food is waiting lets go."

He backed away finally.. turned around and exited the alley. I had no choice but to follow. Because i was hungry ngl... ugh. i didn't think my hate for someone could worsen. but it just did.

Post by Y/n2139<3

Post by Y/n2139<3

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Just got physically attacked at six in the morning

Leaderchannie: wasn't Minho with you
Y/n2139<3 replied to Leaderchannie: yep. He didn't even bother to help me up :(
Lixsa: omg. Y/n are u ok 

Liked by y/n2139<3

a/n: sorry for the long chapter :)

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