Part 8 :)

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When I entered the dorm i could see all seven of the other members were sitting on the couch. they immediately stood up when I walked in.

"omg y/n are you ok. please tell me you didn't get hurt." Jisung said rushing up to me

"Im fine just got hit across the face." i said calming him down. i was till pretty pissed off at the fact that Minho had the audacity to just leave me in a mess on the ground.. i think Jisung could tell because he then asked me

"y/n.. why do you look mad?" 

"ask your fucking bestie." i snapped

as if right on cue minho walked in. i could hear them all start to question him as I left to go anywhere but where he was. I also realized that i should probably go home. Ive been here for a day and a half. I went to Jisung's room to grab my other clothes from the night before. they were neatly folded on his bed, weird.. oh well.

When i had all my stuff together i made my way to the front entrance. Minho was still standing there being harassed by the other members. I grabbed my shoes and pushed by them, trying to get out the door. I reached for the door handle and started to open it but someone grabbed my wrist. i dragged my eyes up the persons arm and met their eyes. ugh it was him.

"y/n I-" he started

"save it." i said cutting him off. I grabbed his wrist with my other hand and basically threw it off of me. I walked out that door real fast. not tryna let anyone see how mad i actually was.

*time skip*

I was home and had been for a while. It was between lunch time and dinner. So around 3pm i would say. I was scrolling on doordash seeing if there was anything good for dinner when a notification popped up at the top of my phone.

*y/n has been added to a new groupchat*


y/nnnn answer pleaseeee

yeaaaaa where you at

y/nnn we miss you

im gonna spam you.

y/n we are offically gonna annoy you for the rest of your life if you do not answer right now.

y/nnnnnn helloooo

y/n we promiseeeee its important.

How many of you are in this..

all of us...all 8..

That's fan-fucking-tastic . So the bitch ass who can't stand me and left me for dead can read this.

Yep. And I didn't leave u for dead. Your exaggerating. Stop.

Boy- u are testing your limits.

STOP BOTH OF YOU. You two are the most important to me and I don't want to see u fighting. It hurts.

Sorry jisung. I would love to stop fighting. But your friend here has a very strong opinion about me . Would u care to tell them what you said Minho? Word for word... or should I??

Y/n don't.

Just tell them what u said about me.. I'm sure they would agree. Because everyone hates me right. I'm just a hate-able person that no one can stand. My looks, presence, voice, everything, people  just can't stand it i guess.


I didn't wait to see a response from anyone. I threw my phone in frustration and got up to find a snack. ugh. i have never been so annoyed about what someone said before. Minho's words kept replaying in my head. "you are my problem. i cant stand you." what the actual fuck did i do to him. 

i was pulled out of thought when i heard the door bell ring. i jogged to the front door and opened it. 

"AHHHHHH Y/N OMGGGGG." a girl screamed. 

I would recognize that voice anywhere. it was Yunjin. i sighed as she crushed me into a hug. I missed this.

"eyyyy girl what brings you here??" i said when she finally released me.

"ohh yk i just wanted to see my bestie on my break before promotions begin." she replied before looking at me closely "y/n what the fuck happened to you nose.. and your cheek. girl what have u been through.." 

"its a long story.." i said

"i'm willing to listen. i have time. go. spill. now." she eagerly said

i went on to explain the whole Minho book situation, then i explained the bathroom situation, then i explained the alley situation, then i explained the group-chat situation. and yeah i think i said everything.

"wow.. what an asshole." was all she said before giving me a hug. "ik what will cheer you up.. iCCEee cCreAAmm." 

"you know me so well yunjin." i said while smiling.

A/n: sorry if this is long again. i switch from writing on my computer and phone. so on my computer it looks shorter lol :) also i promise minho isn't a complete asshole. 

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