015, oliver and company!

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THE FIRST TASK WAS coming up, and Cerise had been worrying about it for the past day and a half

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THE FIRST TASK WAS coming up, and Cerise had been worrying about it for the past day and a half. She didn't know what it was, but she knew it was obviously something dangerous. She worried for both Cedric's and Harry's safety. To get her mind off the tournament, she constantly reread the letter her mum sent as a reply. It just said to meet her in Hogsmeade during their first trip. So, Cerise sat in The Three Broomsticks, waiting for Josephine to turn up.

When she saw her mother enter, she let a smile take over her face. "Wait," she said, "I'm supposed to be mad about being forgotten." She frowned, and narrowed her eyes at Josephine.

Her mum heard her, and let out a small laugh.

"It's not funny to be forgotten," Cerise said, "We'll see who's laughing when I disown myself from the family."

Josephine snorted, "One, I am not letting you do that, at all." She said, "And two, I didn't forget about you. I got you a present, obviously I did, but I couldn't mail it over to you."

Cerise hummed in response. "Okay," she said, "Would you like a butterbeer?" She asked, getting up and heading towards the bar. She bought two butterbeers before sitting back in her seat opposite her mother.

"Would you like to see your present?" Josephine asked, taking a sip of her butterbeer. She saw Cerise nod her head, and the woman gave her daughter a box that she pulled out of her bag.

The box, that was covered in holes, gave a small shake. Cerise, startled, looked up at her mother and back at the box. Slowly, she pulled off the lid. When she saw it, she let out a surprised gasp. "Oh m—"


"Oh, for fucksake!"

Josephine laughed at Cerise's response to George. The Weasley pulled up a chair and sat himself at the table. "You alright, George?" Josephine asked.

George nodded, "I'm trying to hide," he told them, "I pranked Fred and Lee, and now they're chasing after me."

"That's your own fault," Cerise muttered, looking at Josephine. "What shall I name him?"

In the box was a small kitten; It was grey, with orange patches and a white and black tail. His eyes were two different colours, one blue and one green. The kitten was the cutest kitten she had ever seen.


"Am I fuck naming him after you," Cerise glared, before smirking to herself. "I'll name him Fred."

"OI!" George exclaimed. "He is the uglier twin."

"You're twins," Josephine said, "Identical twins; You both look the same."

"No, they don't; George has a scar on his upper lip, barely noticeable but it's still there." Cerise said immediately. Josephine smirked as her daughter avoided her eyes. George's face flushed a light pink.

"At least, that's what Loralei told me!" Cerise said quickly. "I think I'll name him Oliver."

"Why Oliver?" Josephine asked, "Out of all names, you chose Oliver?"

Cerise nodded. "Y'know, that muggle movie? Oliver and Company?" She said, "I named him after that."

Josephine sighed, "Of course you did," she said, "Well, I have to go now. Your father is getting rather pissy lately, so I'd rather return home before he is."

"Okay," Cerise said, "Bye, Mum, I love you!"

"I love you too, darling," Josephine said, kissing Cerise's forehead. "Bye, George, it was lovely to see you again!"

As Josephine disappeared, George turned to Cerise. "Looks like it's just us two, Cherry," he grinned, "Fancy going for a walk?"

Cerise rolled her eyes, pushing her butterbeer in the direction of George. "I don't want it anymore," she told him. As he drunk it, she left The Three Broomsticks.

As she thought to herself, she found herself looking back at George, who was too busy drinking the Butterbeer to spot her. She wanted to try being nicer to him, but it was hard. She had spent so many years hating him, but they were friends once.

Maybe. . . Just maybe, they could be friends again?

Honestly, Cerise had no idea what she was feeling. So, she clutched Oliver tighter and kissed his head. She was beyond confused — A part of her wanted to continue hating George, she enjoyed it. But, the other part of her missed their friendship.

She sighed. "What do I do?" She whispered to Oliver. Oliver only purred in response.

When George left The Three Broomsticks, his eyes widened in shock. "I thought you left?" He said, eyeing her in confusion.

Cerise thought to herself for a moment. She looked at Oliver, and then at George, "I thought you wanted to go on a walk?"

LORALEI WAS ON A HUNT for Cerise when they returned to Hogwarts. She had not seen her best friend all day, and it bothered her. In fact, it bothered her so much, that she was about to cry in frustration. She asked everybody she bumped into if they had seen the girl, but everyone's response was 'The last I seen, she was with George in Hogsmeade'.

She was beyond confused when people told her that, but that didn't stop her from going on a hunt. An hour or two had passed when Loralei had found her best friend.

Cerise was sat in their common room, dressed in her pale pink pyjamas. Oliver was running around the common room, it was like he was exploring.

Loralei marched up to Cerise, "What the fuck happened?"

"I got a cat," Cerise told her, "I had Oliver off my mum for my birthday! Isn't he just the cutest?"

Hearing those words, Oliver purred and ran back to Cerise's lap. "He's a couple of weeks old, and is so smart!"

Loralei sighed, "Yes, he is cute," she said, "But that is not what I meant! Where the fuck were you? I've been worried sick!"

Cerise chuckled awkwardly, "I've, uh, been in Hogsmeade." She responded, "Got back about ten minutes ago."

"I know," Loralei said, "George told me when he was on his way back to his common room — after walking you to ours!"

It was silent for a few moments. Cerise avoided Loralei's eyes.

"What the fuck happened?" Loralei repeated. "I thought you hated him?"

"Both you and I know I don't hate him," Cerise blurted. After those words left her mouth, she knew she was doomed. A smirk grew on Loralei's face. "I fucking hate not being able to think before I speak."

"I, for one, love that quality about you," Loralei said, "And I fucking knew it! You have feelings for him, don't you?"

"Feelings for who?" Cedric asked, appearing out of nowhere. "You best not have feelings for George, Cerise, because I swear I might actually kill you myself."

Cerise scoffed. Loralei glanced between the twins, not knowing what to do with herself, so she picked Oliver up from Cerise's lap and left the two talk alone.

If only she had known how much of a bad idea that would be.

A/N: Ooh, things are getting juicy! PS - good luck for the next chapter, you just might want to kill CeddyBear

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