Chapter 1

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When you have learnt that you are pregnant, what will you do?

First thing first, you will inform the father of the baby you are carrying.

But it was the other way round for me.

I am 18 years old and this will be my third pregnancy. I was sold to this man when I was just fifteen years old.

I was raised in an unconventional family where in my memory, there's only one woman in the house. She was not my mother. There were many girls like me living together. We were not allowed to go out of the house and we were home-schooled. Cameras were all around the house except for the bathrooms. We will be punished if we didn't listen to the woman's instructions. The punishment will be us being tied in a room for days and no food will be given to us. It was a torture; nobody wants to be in this room. When you were released from the room, it will change your mindset of being rebellious. You wouldn't want to be in that room ever again. We didn't know why and how we were in that house; we aren't allowed to ask questions. The only thing we were told was that we will be sold to someone once we had reached 15 years old.

Sold to where and who? We have no idea.

Some girls ran away before and no one was successful. They were all caught before they could get over the main gate.

I have never seen those girls again.

The day when I finally left that house was on my fifteenth birthday. The woman last words for me were to obey to whatever instructions I was given to.

I have been brought to a house. I have absolutely no idea where I was; I was being blindfolded during the entire ride. Upon reaching the house, I was greeting by two middle-aged women. Both women were expressionless. I tried to ask questions, but both of them were muted. They couldn't speak a single word.

They brought me to a room where both of them stripped me away from the clothes I was wearing. They took my body measurements and took records of my height and weight. I felt violated when they checked on my private parts.

After checking if I have any bruises on my body, they brought me to the bathroom. They washed and shaved me before dressing me up. The piece of clothing that they had forced me to wear was the nicest piece of dress I have ever seen.

It was a midi dress with its length falls right below my knees. It was a sky-blue colour dress which matches with my complexion and surprisingly fits my body perfectly; like it was tailored made for me. I was given a pair of white heels to match with my outfit. After getting out from the bathroom, both women started to work on my face and hair.

As I stared in the mirror, I couldn't recognise myself when they were done. I have never seen myself like this before. The makeup they had used emphasised on my eyes, making them looked even bigger. Cheeks were rosy with nude lipsticks applied on me. The makeup wasn't heavy and I was glad how both women had dolled me up this way.

I looked decent.

I know why I was here. I know what are the things I was supposed to do. We have been taught since young.

My only hope was that whoever that had bought me will treat me like a decent person.

The women brought me to the dining table and left the house leaving me alone looking at a table full of delicious looking dishes. Before I could explore the food displayed on the table, the main door was opened and in came a man. He was wearing a black button-up shirt and black suit pants.

This man was very tall and he looks intimidating. Suddenly I felt like a predator is approaching its prey.

I was the prey.

Without saying another word, he pulls out a chair and sat himself down before using his hand to gesture me to sit on the chair opposite of him. Upon seated, I didn't dare speak a word. I didn't dare move an inch. I was scared. I do not know who he was.

Was he the one who has bought me? If yes, why did he do that? Why did he choose me?

His hair was combed back, showing me his sharp features. He has piercing blue eyes. Strong jawlines and high cheekbones. He looks authoritative and fierce. Not the kind of person you would want to cross your path with.

I didn't realise I was staring at him until he placed a piece of meat on my plate. Embarrassed, I turned my vision towards the piece of meat he has given me. I was surprised that he has cut the steak into bite size for me.

We ate our food in silence. For the whole dinner, I had my focus on the plate of food in front of me. I didn't dare look at him during the whole dinner. I didn't dare ask any questions in fear I might say the wrong words.

Before I could take the last bite of my food, a huge hand covers mine and I let out a small yelp. I raised my head towards the person who had a firm grip on my hand.

"You are shaking." He was the first to speak.

I turned to look at my hand and indeed, I was shaking despite his huge hand is holding mine. Was I shaking this whole time?

I was feeling nervous ever since I first step foot in this house and fear is slowly seeping through me as the time went by. The presence of this man sitting right in front of me makes me even anxious on what will be happening to me.

I didn't know how to response. He isn't asking me a question. He is simply stating the fact.

Was I supposed to answer him?

I didn't know what to do and so, I just lowered my head and stared at the napkin on my lap.

Slowly, his grip on my hand loosens and he let go of my hand completely. I was expecting him to be angry because of my lack of response. But when I looked up at him, the expression on his face says otherwise.

He just stared at me with a smirk on his handsome face. Although he has a five o'clock shadow on his face, it doesn't make him old.

I was still in my thoughts when he stood up abruptly and began walking towards the main door. I was too stunned to react. I was still seated when he had reached the main door.

Am I supposed to follow him?

I stood on my feet and started to move when he halted his footsteps. Hand on the door knob, he glanced sideway before speaking the second time tonight.

"Good night."


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