Chapter 17

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Weeks had passed and Nathan was almost back to his usual self. His wound had healed. According to him, he had found out who had given the order to kill him at the lake house. He and his men had ambushed that man and they had successfully taken him down. During that shootout, he wasn't fast enough to avoid the bullet that was directed at him. Luckily that bullet didn't hit his vital body parts.

I am glad that he came back to me that night.

Most of the days, I would stay in Nathan's level in the house. For all these years of being trapped, I have this social isolation symptom and I felt anxiety creeping up to me whenever I see people.

Nathan had wanted to bring me down to his office many times and I had rejected him every single time. I was not yet ready to face people.

I like to stay at the balcony. The balcony's space was big and I am able to hear the birds chirping. I felt at peace just by sitting at one of the lounge chairs. The jacuzzi was one of my favourites too. Staying in there makes me relaxed and not have any unwanted thoughts.

Another thing I had discovered was that from the balcony, I was able to see the house I was first brought into. The house was just beside the main house. That's explained why Nathan was able to come to the house any time of the day.

Right now, I am enjoying the bubble forming in the jacuzzi. The water was warm and I wasn't wearing anything. There's not much of my stuffs in this house yet. Nathan had promised to bring over my things from the house I was first at once he has more time.

I turned my head around when I heard a sound. The sliding door of the balcony was pushed open and Nathan walked in. He walks over to me and bends down. He kissed my cheek.

"You are early today." I say.

"Hmm..." He lowered himself down behind me and he traced my shoulder blade with his fingers.

He pulls my hair and force my head to look up at him. Without saying another word, he leans down and gave me a head spinning kiss. I was left breathless when he had removed himself from me.

He started to remove his clothes and soon, he was naked. He joins me in the jacuzzi. Excess water began to spill out from the jacuzzi. He grabs my nape and starts kissing me again. Using another hand, he began to explore my naked body. He moulds my breasts and pinched my nipples.

I was feeling hot and horny all of a sudden. We had sex once he had recovered and we can never get enough of each other.

I needed him just as much as he needs me.

I traced my hands over his hard body and stopped when I felt his hard erection. It was evident and it makes me even hornier when I feel his needs for me.

Grabbing his manhood, I start pumping him. He moans against my mouth.

Using his mouth, he places kisses along my jaw. I tiled my head sideway to allow him the access to my neck. He sucks and bites on my sensitive areas. I released my grip on his manhood when he inserts one finger into me. I moaned and holds the edge of the jacuzzi with my hands.

He keeps thrusting his finger into me and my head falls back. My grip on the jacuzzi was so tight that my knuckles turn white. The sensation was building up and very quickly, I was screaming his name while my body shakes. Forcing more water to spill out onto the balcony floor.

Before I was down from my high, he adjusted my legs and placed them on the edge of the jacuzzi. He kneels himself in between my legs and lifts my buttocks up. My whole body was lifted up and my head was the only connection with the jacuzzi.

"Fuck. So good." He ramps into me forcefully.

He continued his thrusting while I keep moaning. It was so good. He was so good.

"I am coming." I told him. I can feel my walls tightening again. He didn't slow down his movements, in fact he thrusts into me harder.

And, I came hard; squeezing him tightly.

When I had come down from my high, he removes himself from me and adjusted our position. I was on top of him.

"Nathan." I moaned his name while lowering myself. I joined our bodies together again. Our faces were very close to one another. He captures my lips and our tongues moved in sync.

Moving up and down, my walls start clenching him again. I leaned forward and holds his body against me. I hugged him tight and increased my speed. My breasts rubbing against his hard chest.

"I want to see you." He speaks against my hair. He then pulls my hair and force me to look at him.

"Nathan... Arghh..." I came apart again. Screaming his name and squeezing his manhood tightly again. This time, he came together with me. Spilling his seeds into me.

I want him. Everything and all of him.

Wrapping myself with a towel, we sat on one of the lounge chairs near the fireplace. He too has a towel wrapped around his torso. His arm was over my shoulders and his fingers are tracing my arm. It felt so comfortable staying by his side. I felt safe. I felt protected.

Snuggled closer to Nathan, I put my cheek on his chest. I can hear his heart beating. It was like music to my ears. He was calm and relaxed. I could stay like this forever.

"We have a dinner tomorrow. It was supposed to be a party to introduce myself as the new leader to the organisation and our partners." He says.

"Okay." I guess I'll have to find something to do tomorrow night.

"I need you to come with me."

I sat myself straighter. "What?"

"I will get someone to come in the afternoon to get you ready."

"Do I really need to attend?" I asked. I am starting to panic. I am not ready to face so many people at once.

"Yes." He says firmly. The authoritative tone of voice he is giving me does not allow any negotiation.

"I..." Before I can complete my sentence, his lips came crashing down onto mine. He was kissing me and he starts to remove the towel from me. He starts to touch me again. Hands moving all over my naked body.

His mouth left my lips and proceeds to move down my body. He spread my legs wide and smirks at me before capture my clitoris in his mouth. He was sucking so hard. My hands were gripping the handle of the lounge chair tightly.

I had realised that Nathan enjoys seeing me when I am coming apart. His mouth was replaced by his finger. He was looking down at me. His stare was so intense and I closed my eyes.

"Open your eyes." He commanded and I obeyed.

My legs started to shake and he holds them down. He is using his body weight to stop my legs from moving. "Nathan..." The sensation is coming stronger and I couldn't bear it any longer.

"Touch your nipples." He instructed and I moved my hands over my breasts. I twisted and pulled my nipples.

"Nat..." I cried out and my whole body shakes uncontrollably.

I didn't know I had tears rolling down my cheeks. Nathan came forward and wipes them away. He then carries me and walked us back to his bedroom.

We had skipped our dinner that day as we have spent the rest of the night in the bedroom. My whole body was aching and I was so sore by the time we went to sleep.

And, I had totally forgotten what I had wanted to say to him.


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