Chapter 6

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Two months had passed since I last saw my baby boy. I have been crying every day because I had missed him so much.

I felt lost. So lost. Like a part of me was missing.

Despite that, I have continued to pump my milk every day. I would mark the dates and stored the milk in the refrigerator. The mute women would then come to collect the milk when they were in the house while sending the meals to me.

I was alone most of the time, my boy's father didn't come to the house.

I didn't know what was happening. Why my baby couldn't be with me. Why does he have to take my baby away from me?

Why isn't he coming to the house anymore.

Am I not needed anymore?

I was feeling frustrated and angry. I need to release the anger I am feeling otherwise I would explode. I went to the gym every day and would stay inside for hours. I would run on the treadmill for hours and did some heavy lifting. My body shape had gone back to before I was pregnant.

One morning, I was on the treadmill running. My long hair was tied in a high ponytail and I was wearing a sport bra and shorts. My breasts size didn't come down after birth, they still remain huge. I guess it was because I was still supplying the milk to my baby. There's sweat on my body as I have been running for an hour already. My anger did not dissipate despite my intense running. I am still feeling angry.

Angry with everyone in this world. Including myself.

I didn't realised Nathan has come to the gym. I yelped and placed my palm over my chest when I stepped down from the treadmill and turns towards the gym door. When was he here? Has he been watching me running this whole time?

Ignoring him, I went past him to open the door. I wanted to get away from him as soon as possible. Unfortunately, I wasn't fast enough. He grabbed my arm before I can step out of the room. He pulled me and forced me down on the bench that was in the middle of the room. He uses his muscular body to pin me down. I turned my head away from him.

Grabbing my jaw, he forced me to look at him.

I glared at him.

If looks could kill, I have been dead already.

"Don't you dare look at me like this." He says in a low voice. He has this dangerous tone in his voice.

Using all the strength I have; I began to push him away from me. I had enough of all this shit. Who does he think he is.

When he doesn't move an inch, I realised all the training I had for the past two months in the gym was worth nothing.

He holds my wrists and pulled them above my head. He began to nuzzle my neck and slowly down my chest. He bites on my skin. When he releases his hold on my wrists, I took that opportunity and pushed him off me. I got up and started running towards the door.

He was quick. Too quick for me. Before I can step my foot out of the room, he was already by my side. He grabbed my waist and pulls me back into the room. He then pinned me against the wall. He stood behind me and my chest was rubbing against the solid concrete.

This was all too familiar.

"Let go of me." I shouted.

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