Chapter 2

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I was alone in the house most of the time.

The house has everything I needed. There were three rooms in the entire house which one of it was locked. The room furthest from the living area was my bedroom. It had an ensuite bathroom and a king size bed which was so comfortable to sleep on. I never had this kind of luxury growing up. My bedroom was shared with many other girls and my bed would squeak whenever I made a move.

The other room which was not locked was filled with exercising equipment. I would use the treadmill every morning since this was the only equipment I know how to operate.

The design of the whole house was minimalist. All walls were painted in white and beige colour. In the living room, it has a television and a fireplace. The programs shown on the television were all pre-programmed. On one side of the living room was a wall full of books. It has different kinds of genre; there's even a section full of pregnancy magazines.

The last place that I had explored was the kitchen. It has a huge island siting right in the middle. When I pulled the kitchen cabinets out, it was basically empty. There's hardly any pots or pans. Also, I was surprised that I couldn't find any knifes.

I wondered why.

It was the same routine for the next few weeks. This mysterious man would come to the house during dinner time. We would have dinner together and we would eat our food quietly. There's hardly any conversation between us.

It was weird, but somehow, I felt at ease. I felt comfortable in this house and with this mysterious man. There have been a few days that he wasn't having dinner with me and to my surprise, I felt lonely on the days without him. I felt something missing.

I guess I have been lonely for a very long time.

I felt that he wants companion and I am the one who is able to do that at that moment.

After dinner, he would leave the house. Leaving me alone again until the next morning. The two women who had greeted me on the first day will send the food to the house. Three times a day. Breakfast and lunch would be me eating alone.

One night while I was getting ready for bed, the bedroom door bursts open and that mysterious man walked in. He looks tipsy and he wasn't walking straight. When he saw me siting on my bed, he had this smirk on his face that scares me.

He didn't come over to the house for dinner earlier. I was still wondering what had happened.

"Are you alright?" I asked while walking over to him.

This was the first time he had come over at this hour. That's unusual.

Instead of replying me, he grabbed my arm and started to drag me out of my bedroom. Despite his drunken state, he was very strong. My arm hurts by his firm grip. I tried to struggle free from his hold but it was to no avail.

He brought me to the room that was locked. The door swung open the moment he placed his thumb on the device that was located on the door. I was then pushed in.

Before I had the chance to turn around to face him, he wounded his arm around my waist and pushed me against the nearest wall. I was trapped in between the wall and him. My chest was rubbing against the hard concrete wall.

I was terrified and before I can understand what was going on, he ripped away the nightgown I was wearing. I was left with only my underwear.

This was when I finally understood what was about to happen.

I was prepared for this day to happen; ever since the day I had learnt that I will be sold to someone. But I wasn't prepared on how it's going to be. Especially when I still know nothing about this man.

My eyes were clouded with tears. I couldn't see clearly my surroundings and I couldn't hear the sounds he was making. My mind went blank.

The next thing I know was that I felt a sharp tearing pain on my lower body. It was the first time I felt this kind of pain and it was so painful that I let out a loud scream. This was when I realised that he had entered me in one harsh thrust.

He didn't show me any mercy. He ramped into me with force every single time. His thrusts were so forceful that I felt like I am breaking into tiny pieces. I felt blood dripping down my thigh. I tried to push myself away from the wall. But my strength was too weak.

Before my legs gave up on me. He grabbed my shoulders and turned me around. My eyes came face to face to his chest. He was breathing hard; I can feel his breathe on me. It smells of alcohol and something I cannot define.

When I looked up to his face, I couldn't recognise him. He was not the same man who have dinners with me. He was not the same man who will cut the meat into bite size for me. He was not the same man who will tell me good night.

He was not him.

I wanted to ask what had happened to him. But I do not have the opportunity to ask as my legs gave up on me and I collapsed onto the wooden floor.

He bent down and grabbed my ankle before dragging me towards the center of the room. He pinned me down and using one hand, he holds both of my wrists above my head. With another forceful thrust, he ramped into me again.

He didn't slow down; in fact, he went even faster and harder. Every thrust was even harder than the previous ones. Tears filled my eyes and I couldn't see him clearly despite been in close proximity.

I have no idea how long it lasted. By the time I realised I was alone again, rays of sunlight had peaked through into the dark room from the small gap in between the curtains. My mind was still blank like a plain white sheet.

I was lying on the floor; curled up with my hands hugging my weak body. I didn't know how long I had stayed in this position until I heard some noises from the outside.

Forcing myself up, I walked with difficulties towards the door. As I swung it open, I saw the two women setting the breakfast on the dining table.

It was the first time I saw some expression on their faces. Ignoring them, I walked myself towards my bedroom. I know I have their attention and I know their eyes are looking at my naked body.

I didn't care.

I stared into the mirror when I reached the bathroom. I didn't have any clothes on me. Blood stains on both of my legs; bruises on all over my body. I was feeling sad but I have no tears left in me to cry. Limping myself towards the shower area, I let the cold water falls freely on me. I wanted to wash everything away.

Was it possible?

For the next few weeks, it was the same routine. He would still come to the house every night. The only difference was that he was not having dinner with me anymore plus he's always coming to the house drunk. He would drag me to the dark room, have sex with me till the next morning. I would be left alone thereafter.

He seems like a different man when I first met him. Although he was expressionless the first time I saw him, I can sense a hint of amusement or maybe even a tiny bit of happiness in his eyes. Now, I only saw anger in his piercing blue eyes. I felt like he is venting all his anger on me.

What had made him changed?


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