Chapter 13

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Time flew by and several weeks went by. My time at the lake house has been good. Nathan didn't lock the main door since that day and I was allowed to step out of the house during the day.

There's a small jetty by the lake and this has been my favourite place to spend my time. I would sit on the jetty for hours and admire the scenery before me.

For the first two weeks in this lake house, I would just stand by the window in the living area looking out. I didn't dare to step out of the house although it was not locked. Then in one morning, Nathan just took hold of my hand and pull me outside to the jetty.

We sat down on the wooden jetty with our legs in the water. It was nice to be out. To be able to breathe in the fresh air.

Suddenly, Nathan took out a red box and placed it on my lap. "Open it." He says.

I opened the box slowly and I found two crystals with the shape of a pacifier. They were very pretty.

"The crystals represent our boys' birth month. I have them customised."

I took one of the crystals out and admire it. Gerald's name was engraved on it in small cursive font. It was very well designed and I have never seen something like this before. The crystals shine on my palm under the natural sunlight. Nathan is someone who doesn't speak much and he seem to be a very closed off person. Sometimes, it makes me wonder if he did care about anything at all.

These two crystals just proved me wrong. He cares.

When he says 'our boys', my heart almost stops. I didn't expect him to say that.

"They are very beautiful." I say while looking into his eyes. I wanted him to know that I meant every word I have said.

We stared at each other and ever so slowly, Nathen leans down towards me and captured my lips with his. I didn't dare move. I was shocked and surprised. For all these years I have been with him, he had never once kissed me on my lips.

I closed my eyes.

Nathan holds my face and deepen the kiss. I moved my mouth to match his and it felt surreal that we are kissing on the jetty by the lake as our background. His kiss isn't urgent, it was slow and soft like he wants to savour me. Savour this moment.

He released his lips from mine with his hand still holding my face. He looks into my eyes and I could see that he has words that he wanted to express out. I do not know if he didn't dare saying it out to me or he cannot find the correct words to tell me.

Either way, I don't care.

Standing up, he pulls me up and walk towards our house hand holding hand. He started kissing me upon entering the bedroom. This time, his kisses were urgent. Our hands were all over each other; touching every part.

Soon, we were both out of our clothes and I was lying down on the bed with him pinning me with his body.

"I..." He speaks while looking at me. I paused my hands on his chest and wait. His eyes speak a thousand words and I really hope he will tell me one day. Words that I wanted to hear from him.

Right now, I know he is not ready yet and I am willing to wait for him.

Grabbing his face, I pulled him down and kissed him. I wanted him to know that I am not going anywhere and I am here for him. I am always here.

He uses his knees to nudge me and I open my legs wider to accommodate him. Slowly, he pushes his manhood into me and I moaned into his mouth.

This time, it was different from the usual sex that we had. He is not forceful like he usually was. His actions were slow and he is holding me like I was a porcelain doll. He makes me feel differently this time. He makes me feel something that I am not supposed to feel.

Tears were brimming my eyes and I do not want him to see this vulnerable side of me. I couldn't bear it and I closed my eyes. A lot different emotions were running through me. I am scared. Scared of the feelings I am feeling now. The feelings I have for Nathan.

Nathan didn't ask me to open my eyes like he usually wanted me to. He wipes away the tears that are flowing down my cheeks and kiss me. Bringing out my courage, I returned his kisses. He intertwined our fingers together and placed them on both side of my head. "Isabelle." His thrusts are becoming more urgent and my peak is building up too.

I cried out his name when I reached my peak and he captured my mouth, swallowing my screams. He releases his sperms inside me while I am still shaking.

When I came down from my high, I opened my eyes and saw that Nathan is looking down at me. He has this tenderness in his eyes. He gave me a peak on my lips before removing himself from me. Lying down beside me, He gathers me in his arms. We stayed in each other embrace and somehow, I didn't want to get away.

I want to stay by his side.

"Can I ask you a question?" This question has been on my mind since the first day we have reached this lake house.

"Why are we here?" He asked and I nodded my head. Seems like he can read my mind.

He went rigid and I was afraid that he might get angry and leave me alone again. But, this time, he didn't leave the room. He is still hugging me, caressing my protruding tummy.

"My dad was a gang leader and he was assassinated. I am his successor. We do not know who did the job. So, I had to get away before they had the chance to take me out too. In the meantime, it buys me some time to investigate."

I know that Nathan is not an ordinary person. Otherwise, he wouldn't have bought me three years ago. I have guessed he was related to a gang. But what shocked me was that I didn't expect him to be the mafia leader.

I do not feel any sadness or sympathy towards Nathan for losing his father. I do not have any parents growing up. I couldn't fathom how it was like to have a father or mother. I was alone all the time. Hearing his loses does not have a huge impact on me and I have no idea how should I react to this. Do I need to console him?

I do not know what to do, so I hugged him tighter.

"Why take me with you?" If he needs to get away, why bring me along with him. I won't be of any help to him. I cannot do anything to help him and I would be a burden.

"If they found out about you, they might use you to get me out. Furthermore, you are carrying my child. I cannot leave you there."

I do not know how to react to his answers. Somehow, his answers make me feel sad. He had brought me along with him because I was pregnant with his child. I would be a nobody to him if I wasn't pregnant. I am just a person who he can discard whenever he wants. I have no value to him.

"Why did you buy me three years ago?" Since he is answering my questions now, I might as well ask him the most important question.

He releases me and sat up with his back on the headboard. I follow suit and uses the blanket to cover myself.

"I needed an heir. I need someone who is clean and had no relations to any gangs. You are the perfect person."

Just as I had suspected. I am just a tool to him. He uses me for a purpose.

It hurts having to hear the truth from him and what he had said makes my heart break.

I am a nobody. I meant nothing to him.


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