Chapter 7

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No. No. No.

This cannot be true.

I must be dreaming.

He must be joking.

I backed away from him and walked away without a word. I wanted to run away from all these. I am feeling numb and my legs has a mind of its own and had brought me back to my bedroom. I closed the door and sat myself on the bed.

I covered my face with my hands. I was feeling sad, angry and frustration. I am feeling different kinds of emotions all at once. Why can't I be a normal girl growing up? Why am I doing here in this house? Why is he doing this to me?

I didn't realised Nathan had come in the room when he covered both of my wrists with his hands. He removes my hands from my face and placed them on my lap. He was squatting down and was looking at me.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked after a moment.

He kept quiet.

"Who are you?" I asked again. This time a lone tear rolled down my cheek.

"You know my name." Finally, he speaks.

"Who are you?" I repeated my question.

He stood up suddenly and before he left my room, he says "You do not need to know."

For the next few days, I stayed in my bedroom. I still cannot accept the fact that he had impregnate me again. What was his intention? Why was it me?

I didn't go out for my meals. I refused to eat. I felt trapped.

Was this how it's going to be for the rest of my life?

Will I ever have the chance of leaving this place?

One morning, I woke up feeling restless. I was lying on my bed and staring at the ceiling. I have no tears left in me to cry. I was starting to feel hopeless.

Are there even hope for me in the first place?

The door to my room was opened. I didn't have to take a look to know that Nathan had entered the room.

"They told me you didn't eat anything for the past few days." I closed my eyes. I refused to look or talk to him.

My eyes flew opened and I let out a yelp when he carries me in his arms.

"What are you doing?" I tried to struggle free from him but he has a firm hold on me.

He brought me out to the dining table and sat me down gently on a chair. In front of me was a tray full of food. Pancakes covered with maple syrup and butter. Mixture of cut fruits and a cup of milk.

"Eat." He instructed and I ignored him again. I pushed the tray away from me.

"Don't test my patience."

Using the last bit of strength I have in me; I placed my palms on the table and pushed myself up.

But before I have the chance to take a step, his hands landed on my shoulders and I was being pushed down onto the chair again. I glared at him.

To my surprise, he took the fork and poke a piece of banana and points it towards me. "Open." He said.

I looked at him. What is he doing?

Reluctantly, I opened my mouth and he placed the banana in.

Last night before I went to bed, I was thinking. Do I really want to abandon the baby in my tummy now? It's a life. He is a living thing and who am I to take that away from the him. I would be too cruel to do that to my own child. Maybe he can hate me when he has grown up. At least he has the chance of hating me.

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