Chapter 4

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It was horrible.

Definitely not something I wanted to experience again.

I have been running to the bathroom multiple times a day. Be it was morning or afternoon; I have been vomiting constantly. The books I have read says this was called morning sickness.

Shouldn't this be a morning thing? Why am I puking even at night? The only time I didn't puke was when I am sleeping.

For the whole day, I have been feeling nauseous from the moment I woke up. I have no appetite at all and thus, I have lost some weight.

The whole nauseous feeling lasted for around four months. At the fifth month, the vomiting had lessened and I was able to consume more food. My stomach is slowly growing too. The clothes I have been wearing is getting tighter.

I know he was worried. I can see from his expression. He has been spending more time in the house.

Once every two weeks, the women would check on me. They would push some equipment into the bedroom and would put some gel on my stomach before using a tool to guide around. I have known nothing about the progress of my pregnancy other than my stomach is getting bigger. I had tried to ask once and all they had answered me was a shake of their head.

One afternoon I was sitting on the sofa reading a pregnancy magazine when the door opened and the father of my child walked in. He removed his suit jacket and came to sit beside me.

"How are you?" He asked.

"Good. Tired as usual." I answered truthfully. I am heading towards my third trimester and despite having sufficient rest, I am still feeling tired most of the time. I guess that's how pregnancy is.

Suddenly, I felt movement on my tummy and my first instinct was to grab his hand and place it on my stomach. "Did you feel it?" I asked while looking at our joined hands on my stomach.

He was quiet but when there's another movement on my tummy again, he speaks in his most gentle voice I have ever heard. "Yes."

I looked up to him. His eyes were shinning and he has this little smile on his handsome face that makes my heartbeat skip a beat.

After the first trimester, I had come to terms about me staying in this house. I can't go anywhere while being heavily pregnant. Where can I go? I do not have a home to go back to. I can't possibly go back to the house I came from. Also, he is the father of my child, if anything, he can support this child better than I am.

Lastly, I do not want my child to suffer like I had while growing up.

His eyes trailed my face and down to my chest. I wasn't wearing any bra and my nipples are peaking through the thin fabric of the t-shirt dress I was wearing. My breasts have gotten bigger throughout the pregnancy and wearing the bra makes me uncomfortable.

I have discarded my bra for a long time.

Slowly, his hand moves up from my stomach and cups my breast. He starts moulding them, pinching my nipples in the progress. This was the first time he is touching me gently. He wasn't forceful or harsh.

He lifts himself from the sofa and hovers above me. When he leans down, I thought he was going to kiss me on the lips, but instead, he went to my neck and bites me. I let out a yelp.

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