Chapter 8

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For the next three months, I have gained back my weight. I can eat without vomiting. My tummy is getting bigger too. Every day, I can feel the baby moves. This baby is much more active compared to Gerald.

One morning while I was eating my breakfast, Nathan came in. He was carrying a bouquet of roses.

I raised my brow at him when he handed the bouquet to me. "What is this?" I asked, puzzled.

"Flowers." He sat down beside me.

"I can see." I almost rolled my eyes. Almost.

"For you." Suddenly, he has this irritated expression on his face.

For me? Why? I turned my whole body to face him. He looks so unsure of himself. This was a first for me.

"Your birthday." He continued.

"Oh." I didn't notice that it was my seventeenth birthday. I had totally forgotten about it.

Birthdays meant nothing to me; I do not celebrate the day I was born. There's nothing worth celebrating for. No one cares about me and never have I received anything on my birthdays before. It was just a date and another normal day.

"Thank you." I say to Nathan and began to admire my first ever present. It was a first time I had received flowers too. It smells so nice.

I was still smiling to myself when Nathan grabs the bouquet away from my hands and placed it on the dining table. He pulls me up and walked us towards the bedroom. All these whiles, his fingers were holding mine. Tightly.

Upon entering my bedroom, he pushes me against the nearest wall and starts to nuzzle my neck. He sucks on the sensitive area just below my ear and I moaned. My fingers went to his soft smooth hair.

"Strip." He says suddenly.

My eyes went big but I obeyed nevertheless.

Slowly, I pulled over the tank-top I was wearing. As usual, I didn't wear any bra. My whole upper body was exposed. He was looking at me intently and I felt like a prey who will be soon be eaten up. My panty was already wet when I removed it together with my shorts. He noticed it and he smirked. 

He came forward and covered my private area with his palm. "So ready for me. Aren't you?" I can only nod my head in return.

"Answer me." Using another hand, he gripped my hair and forced me to look up at him.

"Yes." I whimpered

"Say it." He speaks louder this time and insert a finger into me.

"I am so wet for you." I answered truthfully.

"Good." He inserts another finger into me and I moaned out loud. I grabbed onto his arms to hold myself steady.

He kept pumping his fingers in and out of me and my legs are about to buckle when he stops his assaults. He spread my juices onto my chest and down my tummy. He then carries me to the bed. Right after he has placed me on the bed, he says 'touch yourself'.

Rightin that moment, it turns me on. So much so that I felt myself becoming wetter.

I obeyed and starts to massage my huge breasts. I purposely pinched my nipples hard as I know he enjoys it very much. Very slowly, I spread my legs wide open for him to see. He was looking at me with full concentration and I inserted one finger into me. Slowly pumping myself, I focused my eyes on Nathan, he starts to undress himself while still maintaining his eye contact with me.

He took his shirt off first and his abs came into my view. I can never get enough of his perfect body. His abs were defined and well-toned. He had those colourful tattoos covering his whole chest and down to both of his arms. Next was his pants; he stripped them off together with his underwear. His manhood was already hard and ready for me. Colourful tattoos adorned both of his lower legs too.

Using my wet finger, I went to massage my clitoris. I was feeling so hot and horny. I moulded one of my breasts and I closed my eyes. I was moaning and I was about to come apart.

My legs started to shake and I heard Nathan says 'Fuck' before he climbed onto the bed, spreading my legs wider and thrusted into me forcefully. I let out a scream and arched my back. My hands went to the bedsheet and fisted them tightly untilmy knuckles turns white.

"Arghh..." I cried out as I came apart. Squeezing him tightly.

He didn't stop thrusting into me as I kept clenching his manhood and shakes my body in the meantime. He brings both of my legs up and holds at my ankles.

"So fucking tight." He was gripping my ankles with force and thrusting into me relentlessly. I don't think I have come down from my high. I was a moaning mess.

He releases my legs and leaned towards me. He placed his palm on both sides of my face and looked into my eyes. His eyes are full of unspoken words which I couldn't understand. I wanted him to tell me sodesperately.

"Nathan." I whispered.

He continued to stare at me. I can see that he was thinking. Thinking if he should tell me what has been on his mind.

After a moment, he shakes his head.

My heart hurts the moment he does that and with tears brimming my eyes, I closed them. I couldn't bear the intensity Nathan is giving me.

After a few deep thrusts, he spilled his seeds into me.

I was in the bathroom cleaning myself. I looked at the mirror and seeing my huge tummy, I realised that I had resigned myself to my fate. I had accepted the fact that I was nothing but a tool for Nathan. I was just a nobody but someone who he can come and go.

I had been trapped for my whole life. I cannot see the road in front of me. I have nowhere to go. Will I continue to be like this until the day I leave this world?

I was still in my thoughts when Nathan came in. He stood behind me and placed one of his hands on my tummy. He was caressing it.

"Why?" I looked at the mirror and saw him raising his brow at me.

"Why me?" I asked again. There were so many girls in the house I was in two years ago. Why it was me who came to this house?

He removes his hand on my tummy and starts to walk away. Quickly, I grabbed on his forearm and he stops.

"Can you grant me a birthday wish?" I gathered my courage and asked. Thisis my only chance. He stood still and looks ahead at the bathroom door.

"Can I see Gerald?"

I was feeling down, I did not have any mood to do anything. Nathan didn't answer me and walked out of the house after I had asked the only request I have. I went back to the bed and had stayed on it for the rest of the day.

I started to question myself. Why am I here? Why can't I have a normal life? How long do I have to stay in this house. Will Nathan ever let me go?

Do I even have a chance of dreaming that?

Am I able to leave him now that I have given birth to Gerald and another child is on the way?

I looked at my tummy and caress it. "I love you, baby."

It was evening time when I went out of my bedroom. I was surprised to see that there are trays of food covering the whole dining table. Different cuisines were placed on it and I went to admire them. I have never seen so much food on the table before.

Before I came to this house, my meals were plain. I was given healthy balance food, but they were all tasteless. I ate them just to fill my hunger. In this house, my meals were much nicer. It was even nicer when the father of my children ate them with me.

The main door opened when I was about to sitdown. I saw Nathan walked in and my eyes widen when I saw him carrying a babyon his arms.


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