Chapter 20

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Everything was white in colour. The ceiling, the walls, even the bedsheets were white in colour. Looking at the man besides me, I felt at ease. I have never felt so peaceful before.

Slowly making my way out of the bed, I took my bathrobe that was discarded to the floor by Nathan last night. I covered myself up and walked through the double door beside the bed onto an open space. There's a medium size swimming pool and two lounge chairs.

The sun was up and shining brightly on the sea before me. The house we were at was on a hill overlooking the Aegean Sea. Nathan has brought me to Santorini after the party. He has personally flown the private jet that he had owned to Greece.

He seems happier when he is taking control of the plane. He doesn't look like the cold-blooded person leading a mafia organisation. He looks like an ordinary man who truly enjoys what he was doing and that was flying an aeroplane. The passion he had displayed and the expression in his eyes don't lie. I bet he will be a different person had he gotten the chance to do what he likes.

Even if our path didn't cross one another, I still wish he could have the chance to do what he wants.

As if on cue, Nathan embraces me from behind. His arms came around me and his head rested on my shoulder. His lips landed on my neck and I tiled my head sideways to allow him the access.

"Good morning." I speak while still looking at the Aegean Sea.

"Hmm..." He starts to pull at the bathrobe tie on my waist. When he had removed the tie, one of his hands came up to mould my breast. He sucked and bites my earlobe. Slowly, he removes the entire bathrobe from my body. I was left standing naked.

Immediately, I turned around to face Nathan. Although we were up on a hill and there's no other houses beside ours, I couldn't take the risk of people seeing me naked. "Nathan."

He smirked at my reaction and without a word, he scooped me up and carries me towards the swimming pool. I hold onto Nathan tightly; I couldn't swim and I was afraid that he will drop me into the swimming pool.

To my surprise, he jumped into the pool with me in his arms. I shrieked and coughed out water from my mouth when we have emerged from the water. Luckily the water isn't deep but I still cling to him like a koala bear clinging onto the tree. He laughed; showing me his perfect set of white teeth.

This is the kind of laughter that people have when they are genuinely happy. I have never seen this kind of laughter from Nathan before. I had melted on the spot. I went up to him and connected our lips together. I kissed him.

I was breathless when our lips were separated and I smiles shyly at him. He looked surprised and I was too, shocked at my actions. Usually, he was the one who initiate the kisses. I was always the receiving one.

This time, I am feeling bold. I grabbed his nape and plastered myself against his hard tattooed body. I joined our lips again. He arms came around me and holds me tight. Our mouth moves in sync and I began to remove the towel that was hanging low on his waist under the water. His erection was evident and I went to stroke him.

Hoisting me up, Nathan's hands landed on my buttocks and I wounded my legs around his waist. He moves us until my back hits the wall of the swimming pool. Our lips remain connected all this time. Slowly, he sets me down until my feet touches the floor of the pool. He breaks his lips from mine and moves down to my jaw and down to the sensitive part on my neck. I pulled him close to me and intertwined my fingers behind his head.

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