Chapter 12

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Last night we had arrived at a lake house.

I had fallen asleep during the car ride and somehow, I remember Nathan had carried me into the house and had tucked me onto the bed.

I have woken up alone on a huge bed. The bedroom was big, it has floor to ceiling windows that overlooking a beautiful lake. An ensuite bathroom and a walk-in wardrobe at one side. Sofas and a huge television on the other side.

Walking over to the windows, I looked out and saw the most breathtaking scenery in front of me. The lake was glimmering in the callow light of dawn. It was soothing just by looking at it. The surroundings of the lake were lined with pine trees. I am wondering if I can go down to take a stroll by the lake.

I wondered why are we here at this house.

Nathan walked into the bedroom while I am still admiring the view. He came to stand by my side. Neither of us were speaking; we were just enjoying the peaceful scenery.

"Why are we here?" I break the silence; eyes still looking at the view in front of us.

"We need to get away for a while. We will be safer here." He answered.

Safer? What does he mean by that? Is someone after us?

"What about Gerald and Ashton?" I turned to look up to him. This is my first proper look at Nathan since last night. His hair was dishevelled and he looks tired.

"Don't worry about them. They are safe."

"Are you alright?" I touched his arm and look straight into his eyes. He looks to be anxious and in stress. This is the first time I am seeing him like this in so many years. He doesn't seem to be in his normal cool self.

He continued to stare ahead and kept quiet. He seems to have a lot on his mind and I have decided to leave him alone. Just when I was about to turn towards the bathroom, Nathan grab onto my arm to stop me from moving.

"Stay here." It was just a two simple word but from his facial expression, I felt that he needed someone to be by his side. Like he doesn't want to be alone at this moment. I felt that he needs some comfort and right now, I am the only person who can provide him that.

He needs me.

I want to be the only person to provide him the comfort he needs.

Without thinking twice, I intertwined our fingers and finally he turned his head to look at me. I guess my action had shocked him. I am shocked at myself too.

We have continued to admire the stunning views outside and my small hand holding his. I felt so small standing beside him. I hope my presence can bring him some comfort. For a moment, I felt Nathan is like me – alone. Alone fighting in this world that no one cares about our existence. We are too insignificant in this world that no one will realise if we were gone.

After standing for what seems like hours, I cannot hold it any longer. The baby has been pushing my bladder and I would need to go to the bathroom. I released Nathan's hand and asked him to wait for me while I go to the bathroom.

The bathroom was big and it was an open concept. There's a huge bathtub at one side, vanity on the other end. There's no door separating the showering area and the toilet bowl. The windows were full floor to ceiling and it was the same like the bedroom with the view of the lake. The bathtub and toilet bowl allows you to see the lake while using them. I have no idea if anyone could see us from the outside.

Nathan was sitting on one of the sofas when I was done. He was focusing on his phone and I went to sit beside him. I keep my hands to myself this time.

"Do you want to eat something?" Nathan asked and put his phone away. I nodded my head.

He caught me by surprise when he holds my hand and pull me along with him. We went out of the bedroom and slowly we descended down the stairs. There are three levels in this house and the bedroom we were at was at the highest floor.

When we reached the first level, the living area came into my view. It was minimalist with floor to ceiling windows that overlooking the lake. Beige colour sofas and a huge television displaying on one side. There's a billiard table at one corner. Nathan guides me to the dining table. It was a long table that can easily fit ten people. There are foods on the table already.

We sat down and began to eat our breakfast quietly.

"There will be people coming in to clean the house daily. Meals will be brought to us. You can let me know if you have any food you wanted to eat. You are free to move around and if you need anything, just let me know."

I nodded my head.

A week had passed and we are still staying in the lake house. There are only two of us in this big house. We had spent our nights in separate bedrooms. We didn't have sex since coming to this place. In the morning, we would have breakfast together. After that he would go up to the study room located at the second floor. He would come out in the afternoon to have lunch with me. After lunch, he would go out of the house. There's another lake house beside the one we were staying and he would go there every afternoon. He would stay there for hours until dinner time.

There was once that I had discovered Nathan had left the main door unlocked. I didn't know if he did that on purpose, because he doesn't seem like a person who will forget to lock the door. He is quite a meticulous person. Grabbing the handle, I hesitated. This is my best chance at getting away. Getting away to chase after my freedom. It would take him until dinner time to discover that I have been gone from this house.

Instead of opening the door, I stood rooted to the ground. Many things ran through my mind. First, it was my identity. No one knew who I was, I have nothing to prove myself being existing in this world. Second, it was my children. Gerald and Ashton. I cannot leave them behind. I do not have the heart to do that. They are my fresh and blood. I had a hard time carrying them and I had almost lost my life giving birth to them. It will be too selfish of me to ignore them. Plus, there's another baby in me now. I do not have any means of supporting myself, let alone the baby. I cannot let the baby suffer with me. Lastly, where can I go if I were to leave this place. I do not even know where I am. I do not know any person and I have no money with me. How can I survive in this cruel world?

I do not remember how long I had stood there with my hands on the handle. Eventually, I have made up my mind.

Every cloud has a silver lining and I hope I will not regret my decision for not chasing after my freedom. I have to believe. I had to.

That night when Nathan came back, he didn't speak a word to me. We ate our food in silent and he followed me to my bedroom after dinner. He didn't have sex with me, but he went to sleep beside me on my bed and it was the first time he had hugged me to sleep.


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