Chapter 21

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After saying our goodbyes to our children, Nathan flew us back home. Although I do not have many experiences in taking an aeroplane, I could tell that he is a very skilled and experience pilot. The take-off and landings were very smooth.

Since coming back to the main house, Nathan has been very busy. I was left alone most of the time and he would only come back to me past midnight. I was feeling bored and so, I have decided to venture the house after seeking permission from Nathan. Again, he has assigned Clara to stay by my side. I had refused it at first, but it was to no avail when it comes to talking terms with Nathan.

Clara appeared at the lift area the very next morning.

My fingerprints were stored in the database and I was free to have access to the lift. I have decided to go a level down from Nathan's floor and straightaway, I had entered a gym. Full exercising equipment were installed in this gym. There's a weight lifting area, running track mills, stationary bikes and many more. I wondered who gets to use this gym. Right beside the gym, there's a game room. Arcades games were all over the room. A billiard table was situated in one corner. Another side of the room was a shelf full of expensive looking alcohol bottles.

"Did you guys come here often?" I asked Clara while looking at some game posters on the walls. All of the posters were framed up. Some of them looks vintaged.

"There's another gym located at the basement. This gym belongs to boss. But we do get to come to this game room once in a while."

"Do you stay in this house too?" I was curious. As of my knowledge, there were two wings in this main house. I am currently at the east wing while Adam occupies the west wing. Adam has his own level; the floor layout is very similar to Nathan's.

"No. There's a female quarter behind this house. Quinton and some of his men stays in this wing, the rest at another side." Clara answered.

I had retreated back to Nathan's bedroom after spending some time at the game room. I had asked Clara to join me for some games that requires two players. I had fun and I was actually quite good at some of the fighting games. I should ask Nathan to join me next time if he has some free time.

That night, I waited for Nathan to be back and I've told him about what I have done during the day. To my surprise, he had asked me to join him for his gym session the next morning and I happily obliged. Who could refuse a gym session with Nathan when you get to see him flexing his muscles.

I was given a phone when Nathan comes back one night. He told me he will be travelling to another state for a few days and this phone was for him to contact me.

"My number, Adam's, Quinton's and Clara's number are all in the contacts." Nathan speaks after handing the brand-new phone to me.

"Okay..." I looked at him, surprised. Why would he want to give me a phone now? For the years I have been with Nathan, he has always asked someone to pass the message to me if he was not by my side. I never had a phone before.

Since he will not be around for the next few days, I would be alone. Meaning I would need to find something to keep myself occupied. "Can I explore the rest of the house while you are away?" I asked.

He nodded his head. "Just call up Clara."

I smiled up at him. I feel like Nathan is slowly putting his trust in me, allowing me to do the things I wanted to.

Is this how freedom feels like?

I woke up alone the next morning. Nathan had left for his trip early morning. Looking at the empty space beside me, there's this emptiness feeling. Like my warmth has been taken away from me. I need my warmth and that is him.

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