Chapter 19

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The dinner we were supposed to go to is at a mansion and it was an hour drive from the main house. Sitting in the car with Nathan by my side doesn't make me feel sad anymore. Throughout the whole car ride, Nathan kept his hand on my exposed thigh.

I kept fidgeting my fingers and my palms are getting sweaty. My anxiousness is getting on an all-time high. Sensing my nervousness, Nathan holds my small hand in his big one. "Stay by my side no matter what happens."

I turned my head sideway and looked at him. Although it was dark inside the car, I could see his sincerity when he says that. I nodded my head in return.

That I can do. Staying by his side no matter what happens.

My jaw drops the moment our car entered the circular driveway of the mansion. It was grand and it screams luxury. There's a fountain in the middle of the driveway. This mansion is different; the location was not the same like the main house which was put out of sight from the public eye.

Nathan steps out of the car first when our doors were being opened from the outside. He came around and held out his hand for me to take. Without exposing myself, I stepped out of the car slowly while holding Nathan's hand. He intertwined our hands and walked us through the double door into the house.

Upon entering the house, we entered a very big living space. Floor to ceiling windows on all sides. Expensive leather sofas were scattered around the whole place. Live band was performing in one corner. Wines and canapes were served. Most people were standing and chatting among themselves, but they stop the moment they saw us entering. All men and women came forward to greet Nathan.

Nathan knows the names of each and every one of the people who came forward to shake his hand. I stood beside him and observed these people. From their appearances, they looked like normal businessmen and businesswomen. Very well dressed and polite towards each other. All smiley faces. Deep inside, I know that they are not simple ordinary people. Most of them deals with drugs, weapons and all kinds of illegal activities. You wouldn't have known just by looking at them.

"Who is this beautiful lady?" One man asked. His name is Charles. He had extended his hand to me and I offered mine in return. Instead of shaking it, he holds my hand up to his lips and kissed it. His lips lingered on the back of my hand for way too long and I was starting to feel uncomfortable. I quickly pulled my hand back and smile at him.

He looks to be around Nathan's age. Smart looking and full of smiles. He looked at me from head to toe. I couldn't pinpoint what it was, but the vibe this man was giving me did not feel good.

"Isabelle, my wife." Nathan answered coldly and Charles's eyes went big. Even mine went huge. I was stunned by his answer and I spun my head to look up at Nathan.

What did he just say? Did I hear him wrong?

"Please excuse us." Nathan continued and his hand went to my bare back. He guides me further into the living space. Along the way, many people came forward to greet us. All the while, I stood by his side. I was too lost in my own thoughts to be bothered about my surroundings.

Nathan introduces me as his wife. Why would he do that?

We continued to mingle around and by the time I was introduced to everyone, it was time for the dinner to start. All of us proceeds to the second floor. The whole second floor was filled with rounds tables. Nathan guides me up to the front where a stage was situated. We sat at a table beside the stage.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"Do what?"

"You are telling people that I am your wife."

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