Chapter 9

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I stood frozen.

I tried rubbing my eyes to make sure I didn't imagine the view in front of me.

Am I dreaming?

Nathan came forward and stood in front of me.

I stared at both of them. I couldn't find any words to speak at this moment. He actually granted my birthday wish. 

We stood there for a moment.

"Hmm... Can I carry him?" Gerald is looking at me with wide eyes. He started to reach out to me.

Nathan nodded his head and handed Gerald to me. This was the first time I had held my baby after so many months.

I didn't expect him to be so heavy and I had to sit down on the chair in fear of dropping him. Just when I was about to sit down, the baby inside my tummy gave me a sharp kick and I let out a small yelp.

"What's wrong?" Nathan asked immediately and reaching out to me when he sees me wincing. I shake my head at him.

"This is your brother. His name is Gerald." I placed Gerald on my lap and uses his small hand to caress my tummy. I want the baby inside of me to know that he or she has an elder brother.

Gerald is such a cutie. I cannot believe myself that I had given birth to such a handsome baby. He had his father's genes. Dark hair with blue eyes; he looks just like Nathan.

We had a lovely dinner afterwards. Although he didn't say anything during the whole time, I know that he was happy. He has this contented expression on his face. I caught him having these little smiles on his face a few times.

After dinner, I carried Gerald to the living area and both of us sat down on the floor. He knows how to crawl now and he keeps crawling around me. I was contented and very happy. It has been such a long time since I have smiles on my face.

When Nathan announced that it was time to leave, I hugged Gerald tightly. I do not know when will be the next time I can see him again. I wanted to remember the baby smell that was on Gerald.

"Can I see him again?" Nathan just glanced at me and nodded his head slightly before closing the main door. Leaving me all alone again.

For the next few weeks, I was on cloud nine. Nathan kept true to his words and he will bring Gerald to visit me once a week. They would stay throughout dinner. Although it's only for a few hours, but I was contented. As long I can see and hold my baby in my arms, nothing else matters.

Nathan would spend more time in the house too. We will have sex almost everywhere in the house and as my tummy gets bigger, I found him to be much gentler. He wouldn't leave me alone after most of our sex session. He would stay around until it was time for him to go.

In fact, I was looking forward to see him.

One night while I was watching the television, I felt a sharp pain at my abdomen. The pain was unusual, not like the pain I felt when the baby is kicking me. I didn't paid attention to it as there's still a few weeks to go before my due date.

I went back to my room after the show ended and went to sleep. My sleeping schedule was totally messed up. I couldn't sleep at night, I will keep waking up to pee and as usual, I couldn't find the correct position to lie down comfortably.

I was woken up from the sharp pain I felt on my abdomen again. This time, the pain was much stronger and it didn't go away. When I lifted the blanket away from me, blood was on the bedsheet.

Oh no!

I looked at the clock and it was only one in the morning.

I cannot let history repeats itself again, I do not want to wait till the next morning for the women to discover me. I need to think.

I went to the living area while holding my tummy. The intensity of the pain was increasing and blood was still flowing down my thighs. I will need to get help as soon as possible.

Looking around, an idea pops up in my head. I went to the main door and grabbed the handle; I gave it a few tugs. I know it will not open, but Nathan would definitely know that I had tried to open the door. He would come.

He would come for me.

Why was he not here yet? It has been two hours since I had tugged the main door. The first time I had tried to open the door, Nathan had come to the house within half an hour.

Where are you when I needed you?

The pain was so intense that I had a hard time standing up. I was whimpering in pain the whole time. I went to sit beside the door and leaned my back on the wall. My lower body was covered in blood and a small puddle began to form, surrounding me. This was definitely different from the time I was giving birth to Gerald. The pain I felt is not the same.

I was holding my tummy and as I felt darkness going to consume me, I heard the main door opened. My body fell to the floor when I wanted to ask what took him so long this time. Before my eyes were closed, I heard him call 'Isabelle'.

This was the first time I heard him called my name.

I heard people talking.

I wanted to open my eyes, but my eyelids were too heavy.

I remember I was supposing to be in pain. That's when I shoot open my eyes and tried to sit up. Dizziness hit me hard and I fell back onto the bed with a groan.

"She is awake." I saw a woman standing beside my bed and was adjusting something that looks like a machine. There's a tube attached on it and was linked to the needle on my hand. I used the same hand to touch my tummy. The baby is still there.

Nathan came forward and the woman gave up her position beside my bed to him.

"Is the baby alright?" My last memory was that I'm in great pain and I was bleeding.

"You have signs of early delivery. You will need to stay in bed and we will monitor closely." The woman speaks and I nodded my head.

After a few more detailed checks, the woman left the room. Leaving me and Nathan alone. He was sitting on the couch typing something on his phone the whole time. The medicine the woman gave me makes me drowsy and I was about to close my eyes when Nathan walks over to me.

"I will come back later."

"No." I quickly hold his hand to prevent him from walking further.

"I... I am.. scared." I didn't want to be alone. I am really scared this time. What if I am in pain again and I do not have the strength to get out of the room? I do not want anything to happen to my baby.

"Go to sleep." He says while holding my hand in his.

For the next few days, I was being stuck on the bed. My meals were brought to me and I had it on my bed. The only time I got out of it was when I needed to use the bathroom. All the while, Nathan was with me. He seems busy and was always on his phone. He would go out of my room if there's a call. Otherwise, he would sit on the couch.

When the baby has any movements in my tummy, I would ask him over and put his hand on my tummy. I want him to feel the baby.

I want him to feel our baby.  


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