Chapter 16

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I hadn't been sleeping well for the past three days. I have been taking care of Nathan. He came back home with a gun wound on his right waist.

After realising he was injured, I helped him to the bedroom. I was shocked when I had seen the wound. I have never seen anything like this before. Blood was dripping from him and I know I would need to help him as soon as possible. Otherwise, I would lose him. I cannot let that happen. I had already lost our baby. I cannot lose him too.

I will need to stay calm and save him.

Just when I was looking around for the first-aid kit, a man appeared at the door of the lift. He looks older than Nathan. Lean and tall. He walked up to me and smiles. "You must be Isabelle. I am Adam, Nathan's brother. Where is he?" He asked and I pointed my index finger towards the bedroom. I was speechless. My mind was everywhere. Nathan was injured and I need to save him. I didn't expect anyone to enter this space at that moment. I didn't even know Nathan has a brother.

Apparently, Adam is Nathan's half-brother. Same father, different mother. He was a certified doctor and he works for the organisation too. He was informed by Nathan's man that Nathan was injured and luckily, he was here to tend to Nathan's injuries.

Nathan was supposed to be treated upon reaching the house. But he wants to come to me immediately. He wants to keep his promise to me. He didn't want me to wait for too long.

I was glad that he had come back to me that night.

He came back to me.

Adam had removed the bullet from Nathan's body and luckily his wound wasn't too deep. Blood was stopped in time. Unfortunately, Nathan has been down with fever after that. His temperature was so high that he couldn't get off the bed by himself. I had to help him if he needs to go to the bathroom. I haven't slept and I took care of him until his temperature was back to normal.

I have learnt that not everyone can have access to this level in the house. Thumbprint was required to activate the lift and Adam was one of them. He would come in everyday to check on Nathan. He would check on Nathan's wound and he had taught me how to change the bandage too.

One afternoon, I was sitting on one of the lounge chairs at the balcony while Adam is checking on Nathan. Finally, I can take a breather after taking care of him for the past few days. His wound has been healing well and he should be able to get back to his daily activities soon.

I turned around and saw Adam walking towards me. He took a seat beside me. "He had his medicine and is sleeping now." He says to me while looking at the scenery in front of us. I nodded my head.

We were both quiet.

"I am forever grateful to Nathan. He had helped me when no one was willing to do anything to help me get out of the situation."

Adam has gotten my attention. I raised a brow at him; silently asking him to elaborate more.

"I am the oldest child and my father had named me as his successor when I was still a kid. I was supposing to take over his position when he stepped down." He smiles ruefully.

"Since young, I have found my passion in medical field and because of my results, I was admitted to the best medical school in the country. I was very happy as I had worked my ass off to have the results I had wanted. My father had wanted me to give up and I couldn't agree with him. We were in a huge argument because my father had wanted to me take over his business. I was never interested and I didn't want to get myself involved in the business at all.

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