Chapter 5

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I have been walking around the house as much as I can. I have read from the books that walking helps in the birthing process. I wanted a natural birth. I believed I can since I am young and I had a high tolerance level of pain.

He didn't visit me after that night he had massaged my cramping leg. I began to wonder what had happened to him. Or, did I did something that he didn't like?

I wanted to see him again.

One night while sleeping, I woke up to the feeling of peeing. Slowly and steadily, I got out of my bed. Unfortunately, I wasn't fast enough. My panty was already wet before I could get to the bathroom. Quickly, I went to change myself.

It was just slightly over ten in the night and after cleaning up, I couldn't sleep; so, I took a book out to read.

I was distracted by my tummy when I placed the book in front of me. My tummy has become so big that I couldn't see my feet while standing.

I am having dilemma. I do not want my baby to be out so soon. First, I was scared of what will happen during the birthing process. Although I have been reading up a lot, but there were all words on the books. I didn't have the luxury of doing research online. I do not have phone nor computer. Am I able to endure all the pain? Will my baby be healthy? Secondly, what will happen to me after the baby is out? Will he take the baby away from me? Will he still come to this house?

How will my life be after the baby is out? Will I ever have the chance to leave this place? Will the father of my child ever tell me what I have been wanting to hear? What will happen to me?

Will he still want me?

I have so many questions.

But in the meantime, I couldn't wait for the baby to be out as soon as possible. I wanted to see my baby, I wanted to hold him or her in my arms. This baby is mine. Finally I can have someone that belongs to me. Also, I have been feeling very uncomfortable for the past month. I had difficulties walking as my feet were swollen and I couldn't sleep well. I could never find the correct position when lying down and my back hurts when I sit for a long period of time.

I was still in my thoughts when the peeing feeling came back again. This time, I fasten my pace to the bathroom.

For the whole night, I couldn't get back to sleep because I kept going to the toilet.

The next day after lunch, I went to the gym as I wanted to walk on the treadmill. Before I can get to the equipment, I saw myself on the full-length mirror and I had a shock. There's a line of blood flowing down my legs.

I went to the bathroom quickly to check on myself. My panty was soaked with blood.

Oh no. What should I do now?

I don't feel any pain.

The women will only come into the house during dinner time and it will be at least five hours later. I didn't feel any pain and so, I went to lie down on my bed. I wanted to wait and see if the bleeding continues. Soon I had fallen asleep.

By the time I woke up, it was already night time. When I flipped the blanket away from me, the bedsheet was wet. Did I pee? That was my first thought. Luckily the bleeding has stopped.

I went to the dining table and saw that I had missed the women coming in. My dinner was already on the table and the next time I see them will be in the morning. Without anyone's help, I went to change the bedsheet and have my dinner afterwards.

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