•Ruis•After my husband identified and sealed the crystal charms back in its container, he was speechless.
He asked Kynnei questions; a language unknown to me.
However after a long pause and silence, Kynnei didn't say anything and spoke in Russian telling us she didn't understand what the Russian prince said.
My husband looked unconvinced. He remained staring at her.
"Where did your mom get these precious rare gems? These... are supposedly sealed crystals and hands off to low vibrational people. They absorb too much energy and can also disperse energy, so drastically that if you're not prepared nor used adjusting to crystal energies, they will make you sick- worse, die. I am luckily exposed to these as our family holds every kind of what you have here... aren't you feeling bad while holding or being exposed to these gems?"
She shook her head, looking clueless.
"I'm not sure where she got the precious stones your highness... I just thought since you love crystals and they are rare..."
"I see."
My husband still speculated her.
He's reading her.
Trying to get a glimpse of any pretense.
But Kynnei seriously looked clueless.
My husband heaved a deep sigh.
"Thank you for the thoughtfulness. Since they're sealed, everyone is safe to get in. Ruis, ask them to smudge and clear the energy here."
I quickly went out and found everyone somehow enjoying the coldness and snow while surrounded by bright pretty Christmas lights.
I told Kynnei to quickly smudge and she did. While my husband held the sealed crystals...
After helping out to fix everything, Sarah and Kynnei helped me tidy up and fix the lounge room so we can sleep there.
After everything was settled we finally stepped inside the room, our little one, freshend up and sleeping soundly. Daniels was escorted back to the villa while the rest decided to go home. Kynnei also retired in her room and the two of us decided to have tea.
He was sitting at the single couch, a little away from the thick thermal futon where my little prince is laid.
He appeared a bit tired and contemplating.
"After tea, maybe you can go ahead and freshen up."
"No, you can go ahead. Do it now and I'll just go after you're finished."
I didn't waste time and went inside the bath.
When I went out, his cup was still half filled and the tea was almost cold. He was still contemplating.
"That girl Kynnei...what do you think about her."

REIGN || 전정국 || BangtanBoys || Royal Series || AU
FanfictionPrequel: ROMANOV Chaos Healing Retribution Rebirth The Reign of the Winter Sun ⚜ Copyright © 2020 by Amaranthine7722