Daddy May I?

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Ok before I even start, if you don't like BDSM or daddy kinks or anything like that then I strongly suggest you not read this book. Just saying. I'm pushing myself out of my comfort zone a bit with my new stories to help me become a better writer and this is one of them. Enjoy 💕

"Today, you're meeting your dominant." I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. "Mom, you're the only one excited about your daughter basically being controlled by a billionaire." She quickly looked through my closet to find something "decent" for me to wear. "Look child, we have a mortgage this month and we need help paying the bills. You're old enough now to be a submissive and you already know the ground rules. Just do what he says and you should be fine." I smirked. "Is this your way of telling me that I can be a sugar baby?" She snapped her head around and looked like she wanted to slap the pure shit out of me. "Sorry, sorry. I had to ask." She said nothing but continued to raid through my closet. "Mom I think I'm pretty capable of finding my own outfit, don't you think?" She sighed and threw some dresses on my bed. "If you're going to be picked you need to look your best. Now hurry up so we won't be late. That's a bad first impression, your father and I will be downstairs." I rolled my eyes and looked at the dresses she put out. "Nope." One gone. "Not gonna happen." Another no. "Ew the hell? I picked this out when I was twelve. No." Finally after thirty minutes and completely turning my closet upside down, I found it. It was a sleeveless black lace dress that fit my curves perfectly. "Honey, let's go!!" I found my blacks wedges and looked at myself one last time before grabbing a hair tie and rushing out the door behind my parents. In the car, I put my curly hair in a bun and leaned back on the window. "Honey, when we get in please don't act like you normally do." I crossed my eyes at my dad. He was Dominican and my mother was Haitian so of course I had it hard. They were strict to the 'T' so I got away with nothing. We pulled into the auditorium and my dad found a parking spot in the front of the place. "You need us to come in with you?" I shook my head no and got out of the car. "We'll be in the audience watching, Honey!" My mom yelled out of the window as my dad sped off. "Greetings, beautiful. Name please?" I looked around before setting them on the man that was talking to me. "Honey...Honey King." The man nodded his head and handed me a sticker to place on my arm. "Right this way. Looks like you were picked first." What?
I walked through the corridors and sat down in the back of all the rest of the girls. I heard mumbles of people from behind me saying rude things but I didn't mind. I shut them out and payed attention to the ceremony. "Everyone please take your seats so we can begin the ceremony." A woman in a too tight for her own good dress tapped on the microphone as everybody sat down. I instantly spotted my parents sitting on the front row and rolled my eyes. Always looking for attention. "Today we have the city's highest paid men here to finally get their submissive. As you already know from the pamphlet that was sent to your houses, your daughters or sons will be given off to whoever chooses them. After the first pick, there will be no turning back so submissives, if you don't want to do this you can leave now." We all looked around at each other but no one said anything. "Very well, Mayor Flowers please do the honor and present the dominant to their submissive." A man stood up from his seat and made his way to the podium. "Good morning, everyone. I'm honored to have been chosen to give out the submissives to their chosen dominant. The first match to be made this morning goes to Dominant Niall Horan and Submissive Yaya Gray." The crowd clapped but you could always tell where the family was. Yaya made her way down the steps and to Niall. He looked her up and down before giving the Mayor a nod of approval. She sat down in the chair beside him as the ceremony continued. "Next pair is Dominant Liam Payne and Submissive Kennedy Sky." A blonde girl stood up from beside me and walked towards Liam. You could see her blushing from here. "Next is Dominant Zayn Malik and Submissive Roo Carson." A very pretty dark skinned girl from behind me walked over to Zayn. This went on and on and on until only two girls were left. Myself and a girl named Madison. "Next is Dominant Louis Tomlinson and Submissive Madison Green." Maddie whispered good luck in my ear before walking over to Louis. I didn't know what she meant by that until my Dominant's name was called. "Finally last but certainly not least...Dominant Harry Styles and Submissive Honey King." My mouth dropped to the floor when I saw what my dominant looked like. He was tall, lean, and handsome. His hair was long, he had hypnotizing green eyes, and was wearing a suit that looked like it costed him more than this building. I stood up slowly as my mom gave me a thumbs up again and mouthed an I love you. Harry stood and held his hand out to me. "Honey, finally." His smile was contagious and I soon began to smile also. "Nice to meet you, baby girl. I'm Harry." He kissed my hand and sat me on his lap. "No need to be afraid. I won't hurt you. I do have some ground rules that will take into effect as soon as we leave this building though, love." His accent sent so many chills down my spine that I didn't notice that I hadn't said anything back. "Love? That's the first rule. Always speak when I speak to you or ask you a question. Understood?" I nodded. "Yes, Harry." He shook his head. "Rule number two, call me Daddy or sir." I chewed on the inside of my gums but nodded anyways. "Okay, got it. Where and when do we start?" He smirked and stood up, taking me by my hand. "You can start by calling me daddy." Confused by his sudden outburst, I ran my fingers through my hair and tried to comprehend what he told me. "The fuck did you just say?"

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