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"Honey the telephone is ringing!" Olivia yelled to me from the kitchen. I groaned and peeled myself out from under the comfy covers. It was probably just Harry calling.
"Answer it, please?" I asked when I reached the bottom step. She shook her head. "Hello? Oh..yes, sir. She's right here. Would you like to leave a-"
I watched her from the doorway of the kitchen. "He says it's very important and he wants to talk to you."
"Well please kindly tell my Daddy that if he wanted to talk to me then he shouldn't have taken my phone." Livvy bit her lip. "Sorry, no can do. I have to go check on lunch." She tossed me the phone and I let out a heavy sigh before putting it to my ear. "Princess? What did I tell you about that?"
How did he...what?
"Uh you told me not to? How did you even hear me breathing?" He chuckled on the other end. "You must forget that I hear everything. Anyways, I want to take you with me to this dinner we're having for work. Everyone will be there." Just great.
"Do I have an option?"
Course not.
"Fine, what do I wear?" He chuckled again. "I'm sending over your outfit as we speak by one of my workers. Make sure it fits. If not, then send it back and I'll send you another one." I huffed. "You know I can pick out my own clothes, right? I'm not a child."
"No, but you are my Kitten. Just listen to me for once. Shit."
I couldn't help but giggle. It was funny when he got all upset for no reason. "Sure thing, Daddy. Anything else you want me to do for you?" I knew that I was testing his patience and my luck but it wouldn't hurt to try. "Fuck, Princess. You're making Daddy very hard in his pants. Unless you're planning on coming to fix this problem then I would advice you not to play around." Oh he was serious. "Sorry, Daddy. I'll go."
"Make sure you eat lunch, please. Dinner won't be for awhile but I'll allow you to have some fruit before we leave if you're good. Also, your phone is in the pantry on the top shelf."
He hung the phone up. I can't believe he heard me talking to Olivia.
Two hours later
"She didn't like either of those, sir." My assistant, Daniel, handed back the three dresses I sent for my Princess to try on. "Who said she had to like any of them?" I gritted my teeth and picked up my phone. "You can't listen worth shit, can you? I told you that she had to pick one of those and to only bring them back if they don't fit. I didn't give her or you an option." I stood up from behind my desk.
"I-I'm sorry, Mr. Styles. She just..I couldn't let her have them when her heart wasn't in any of them."
"I don't give a fuck! Her heart is with me and I picked those dresses!" He cowered against the chair. "With all do respect.."
"If you want to continue to work for me and make the money that you do, I suggest you get back over to my house and give her those dresses. Am I clear?" He quickly nodded his head and ran out of my office with the dresses. Some assistant.
"Hello, Mr. Styles?" Julia, my front desk lady, knocked on my door. "You have a visitor."
I gave her a confused look. "Whoever could be here without an appointment?"
"I don't know, they said that they knew you though." I sighed. "Send them in." Moments later in walked Niall and Liam with their Submissives on their heels. "Sit over there." Niall told Yaya and Liam motioned for Kennedy to follow her. They quickly went over and sat on the long sofa next to the television. Why couldn't Honey be this obedient?
"Ey, Lad! What's up?" Niall sat against my desk and reached his hand in my candy jar. "Yeah we haven't heard from you in a week." I just sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "It's Honey..."
"Oh?" Liam asked with his eyebrows raised. "What's wrong with her? Have you gotten her pregnant already?" I shook my head. "Heavens no, Liam. We haven't even had sex yet." His eyes widened and as did Niall's.
"You mean to tell me that you haven't taken her innocence yet? How is she fully yours if you haven't?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I just can't."
"Oh come on, Mate. There has to be a reason why you won't do it. The first night I had Kennedy to myself, man...she couldn't walk for days." Niall choked on his peppermint and Yaya quickly ran to his side. "Master, are you alright?" Her eyes looked heavy like she was going to cry. "Yep, I'm okay. Just startled by what Liam said." He petted her head and she went back to sitting beside Kennedy, who was watching some cartoon television program with a yellow sponge that talks.
"As I was saying-" Niall raised his hand to stop him from talking. "Please, Payno. I don't want to know about your sex life." He rolled his eyes.
"Lads, I'm sure Harry has a good reason why he hasn't fucked her yet." Louis walked in with a bag of cotton candy and popcorn. The girl's favorites.
"Can I give them this? I knew they were down here with you so I brought them it to keep them occupied."
Liam and Niall both nodded and turned their attention back to me. "Now, you. Why haven't you had sex with her?"
"I can't alright! Drop it!" Louis walked back over to us and patted me on the back. "Listen it's okay if you're scared. I was scared when I took my first Submissive's innocence because she was so tight. I thought I was gonna kill her the way she was screaming."
"Oh, yeah. What ever happened to her?" Liam asked and Lou just chuckled. "Long story for another day."
"We still going to the company dinner tonight, Lads?" I asked. They all nodded. "Yeah we already picked out what the girls are gonna wear. Have you picked Honey's outfit yet?" I nodded. "I gave her three options since she's so big on doing things herself."
I really hope she picks something soon before I lose all patience.

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