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"Oh my god I'm going to be an aunt?!" My older sister screamed in my ear and attacked me why kisses.

Hannah was only a few years older than me but she could easily pull off being 16.

"Okay, Han, don't suffocate her!" My dad said when he came back into the living room and sat down in his favorite chair.

My mom nodded her head and sat down beside him.

"Harry, would you like some tea?"

Oh she was full of shit today too I see.

Harry chuckled but shook his head. "Oh no, ma'am. I'm alright. I rarely drink tea."

My mom nodded and looked down at her own glass. I could tell that she was embarrassed.

"Not all British people drink tea, mom." Hannah said. I just nodded, agreeing with her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, son. I just thought-"

He raised his hand and cut her off. "No need to apologize. That's just one of the things people stereotype us with."

"Well I drink tea." I pointed out to my mother; who has yet to ask me if I wanted any or even acknowledge her own daughter.

"I'm so sorry, Honey! Gosh my mind is really starting to leave me, huh?" She nervously chuckled and poured me a glass.

"Yeah, or it's because you have a celebrity in your house and you don't know how to act."

Everybody turned around and faced my youngest sister, Heaven, who just stood at the bottom of the staircase with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Harry, this is Heavenly. Or Heaven since she hates to add the -ly. She's anything but Heavenly though."

Hannah laughed and patted me on the back.
"Touché. She's the problem child of the three of us."

Heaven walked over and sat down in front of Harry. I gulped and sipped more tea.

"Hi." She extended her hand to his and shook it lightly. "I'm going to be a Submissive someday too. My sister here was training me...that is until you took her."

Harry was speechless as he took his hand back from her.

"Oh don't mind the attitude, she always had that. Her first words were 'shut up,' 'no,' and 'leave me alone' all in the same sentence."

Heaven rolled her eyes and stood up. "Why you gotta put me out like that? What's wrong with you?" She had her neck rolling and everything.

Harry stood up and towered over her. "You will not talk to her in that tone, you understand? She is your elder and sister. Treat her as such. Hannah and your parents as well."

To all of our surprise, Heaven nodded and sat down beside Hannah. No back talk or any other curse words were spoken either.

"Well that's a first." My mother spoke up after the awkward silence that went down. "Maybe if she did have a Dominant like yourself at this age, she would know how to act."

I spit up my tea. "Mom you're crazy if you think she's getting MY Harry."

"Okay, Honey, fine. Be that way. But Harry, if you know any good Dominants that would deal with that let us know. She's 14 anyways, it's time for her to move up."

Harry nodded in her direction then whispered in my ear.
"You think your dad has some Vodka somewhere? I'm gonna need it."

I laughed and playfully pushed him off me. "Yeah, if I can go 16 years without having any then you can go one night."

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