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"How the fuck do you forget to use a condom?! Out of everything?" I screamed at Daddy who was laying back on the bed with his hands behind his head. "I don't know, okay? Why aren't you on birth control?"
"Because no one ever took me, genius."
Clearly this conversation was going absolutely nowhere. "Look, we're going to the doctor tomorrow whether you're pregnant or not." I was taken back.
"Why would we need to go to the doctor if I don't even know I'm pregnant yet? What're you trying to say?"
"Nothing. You can leave now."
"What the hell? What did I do now?! I wasn't the one that forgot use the damn condom!!" He stood up to his feet and looked me in the eyes. "Watch your fucking mouth. I'm not in the mood, ok? Please just go."
"Fine. I'll leave alright." I stormed out of his room and went into the living room where Olivia was eating popcorn and watching some boring black and white tv show. "What was with all the yelling, love? I could hear you all the way down here over the TV."
I sat down beside her. "Too much. I hate him so much. I hate my Daddy." I started to cry then. Not because he yelled at me or the way he was acting, but because I feel like all I've done since I got here was piss him off and make him unhappy. Now for the cherry on top of the sundae, get pregnant. "Oh you don't mean that, dear."
"Yes I do!! He doesn't love me! I hate him I hate him I hate him." I laid my head in her lap and cried some more. "No, you don't. You love him."
"I know..."
"But he doesn't want a baby. What if in pregnant? Will he give me away? I'm so scared." Olivia rubbed her fingers through my kinky curls and started humming. "I don't believe he will give you away and as for the child...well..Harry's family isn't as open as you would think and hope a family should be. His sister is an exception because she's just like him but as for his mom and dad.."
"They believe Harry should be with a woman not of color." I couldn't believe this. Fucking great. Not only is he with someone of color, he also possibly got her pregnant. "I'll go get you a pregnancy test before you have to go to the doctor's tomorrow." I sighed out of frustration but nodded anyways.
"You hate me?" Daddy crept around the corner in nothing but gray sweatpants that hung loosely on his hips. All of his tattoos were exposed. Olivia excused herself. "Hm? Is that what I heard you say?" I looked away from him and he came and sat beside me. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, baby girl."
"It's fine. I know why now." Daddy reached down and grabbed both of my legs to put them on his lap. He grabbed one of my feet and started massaging it. "Mm..that feels good." He chuckled. "Thanks, now back to you. I didn't mean what I said back there."
"It's okay, really." He shook his head no and moved to my other foot. "It's not. I don't want to speak too soon on the issue because we don't know for sure but-"
"Whatever happens, you'll always be my baby girl. Mine." I smiled and leaned in for a kiss, which he happily accepted. "Now, what's this thing about you hating me?"
"I don't hate you." I playfully hit him in the shoulder. "I just dislike you at times. No big deal."
He sighed. "That's too bad cause I had this idea in mind..." His hand left my foot and trailed up my thigh. "But since you dislike me..." He went higher and higher and then stopped to look me in the eye. "May as well handle it myself." He stood to his feet and let out a laugh. "Love you though." Daddy walked out the living room and up the stairs again. "I freaking swear!!"

Daddy May I?|h.s|{BWWM}Where stories live. Discover now