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"Excuse me?" Harry's tone had shifted and he had already had me out of the door in a split second. "Listen, princess. You can either have an easy life of no punishments or you can get punished everyday for using language such as that. Your choice." I nodded. "I'm sorry, Daddy. I'll be a good girl for you." He rubbed his hand along his chin and watched me. "Please, Daddy. I promise I won't do it again. Please don't punish me." Bingo. I had him now. He took my hand in his and nodded. "I guess it's alright. Since this is your first day, I'll let it slide. But it better not happen again." I smiled and nodded. "Yes, Sir." Just as I was about to say something, the men that were at the table with us walked over. Liam extended his hand out to me first. "Hello, love. I'm Liam." I looked back at Harry for confirmation. He nodded his head and I took Liam's hand in mine. "I'm Honey." The other boys followed after him and introduced their submissives to me as well. "We're still having that dinner tonight, right?" Zayn asked Harry, who nodded. "The chefs are preparing the meal now as we speak." I stayed quiet and made sure to stand beside Harry. Madison waved to me as she came over and I waved back. I really like her. "You two may talk if you wish." Harry told me. I smiled and walked up to her. "We finally get to speak to each other." She giggled. "I know right, I'm so happy I could burst. I love my dominant already." What? Was she mental or..? The other girls walked over to us as well. "Hi." Yaya said in an almost whisper. "Hey" I said back with a reassuring smile. "I can already tell that you're going to be the shy one out of all of us." Roo said, we all agreed. Kennedy just stood there looking at her hands. "Oh.." Liam said and wrapped his arms around her. "She's deaf." We all nodded. That explains it. Harry crept up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Tell your friends goodbye, princess. We have to get ready for the dinner." I said my goodbyes and made my way to his car where my parents stood with my bags. "Why hello, Son." My mom said. "Can I call you that?" Harry nodded and hugged her. "Oh of course you can." He shook my dad's hand and they sent me on my way with a hug and kiss.

The car ride home was quiet. There was little to no talking, only the radio that played. He turned the car off when we pulled into the driveway of his house. Damn was all I could think.
"Daddy, why don't you talk to me? Am I doing something wrong? I'm sorry.." He sighed and turned to look at me. "Baby girl, no. You're not doing anything wrong. It's just...I'm not used to having you around. That's all." I nodded. "Daddy, you seem stressed." He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. "Work. Nothing you should be worried about." I nodded again. "Do I go to work too?" He shook his head no. "Never. I'm going to take care of you. You don't have to work for anything. Although, you have to attend school. Since it's a law here that everyone under the age of 18 must attend it." I pouted. "Can't I just go to your job?" He shook his head no. "No again, why are you so full of questions all of a sudden?" I didn't say anything because I genuinely felt bad for asking so many things. "Answer me, princess." He stared at me. Still, I didn't say anything. I could tell that he was getting more and more impatient by the minute. "Get out." He snatched the key out of the ignition and slammed his door shut as he got out. He came over to my side and opened the door. "Go upstairs to the first door on the right and wait for me there." I was confused. "Daddy..why? Am I in trouble?" He ignored me and unlocked the door to the house. "Go." I sighed and walked up the wooden staircase until I got to the room he told me to go to. When I opened it, I instantly felt guilty. This was my room. He had tried his best to make it look like the one I had at home, but better. It was beautiful. I sat on the bed. He came in with his hands behind his back. "Pick a hand" I sat there confused. "I said pick." He came closer to me and it took everything in me not to kiss him right there. "L-Left." He smirked and pulled out a pink lace panties "Good choice." Ok now I was even more confused. "You're making me wear those, Sir?" He nodded his head and handed them to me. "Put them on. I'll show you what they do." I nodded. "I-In front of you?" He gave me a nod. "Hurry up. We have to be down there for dinner soon." I slowly slid down the panties I had been wearing before and put the pink ones on. "Daddy, why do they-" I couldn't finish my sentence because he had a remote control in his hand and pressed a button that sent a wave of pleasure through my body. "Oh, daddy.." I moaned as I felt it massage my clit. "Daddy please." I cried out. He just sat there, pressing buttons and doing absolutely nothing. i started to shake. "Don't cum until I tell you to." I crossed my legs and tried to block out the pleasure I was getting. "Please please please..." I begged him. Once again he just watched. "Please what?" I couldn't take it anymore. "Please, Daddy. Please let me cum. I want to come for you." He made the speed go faster and I released all over myself. I was a panting mess. "Spread your legs." I obeyed and opened my legs for him. He slid the panties down halfway before trailing kisses up my thigh. "Daddy.." I moaned and grabbed a handful of his hair. "You're so wet for Daddy already, princess." He got closer and closer to my heat before placing his lips on it and slowly started to lick. I was again a moaning mess. He went faster and faster until I started to see stars. "D-Daddy I'm gonna cum.." I said in between moans. He held my thighs down and devoured me. I couldn't contain myself. I released all over his face. "Bad girl." He slapped my clit and stood up. "Did I tell you to cum?" I shook my head no. I had completely forgotten. "You'll be punished for that the next time we have intercourse." I nodded. He slipped the panties back on me and stood me up slowly. "Time for dinner." I pouted. "But daddy.." He turned around and looked at me. "What is it, baby girl?" I stood in front of him and got on my toes. "Kiss me." He leaned his head down and planted a kiss right on my lips. Our tongues fought for dominance but of course his won. "Come on, the guests are starting to arrive."

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