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"How long could it take a woman to get dressed, Mum? I mean she's been in there for three hours now. At this rate, we'll never make it there in time." She just laughed. "Oh Harry, you know how it is for a woman. She has to look amazing. Especially if she's dating the Harry Styles." I groaned and walked around the living room until I heard a door shut from upstairs. Fucking finally. "She's ready now, Mum. Gotta go."
"Wait, Harry! Have you gotten her to sign the contract yet?" I sighed. "No not yet, mother. I'll get to it after dinner tonight."
"Okay, love you dear." I told her I loved her too and quickly hung up the phone as soon as Honey walked down the stairs. She looked gorgeous.
"Wow..you look amazing." She did a little spin for me at the bottom of the step and giggled. "Thank you, Daddy. I really love this one." Her curves showed perfectly in this dress and out of the three, this was my personal favorite.
"Spin again." I said. She gave me a confused look but spun anyways. "Why, Daddy?" I licked my lips and tried to push away all the bad, raunchy things I wanted to do to her in that dress. "Your ass is huge." I blurted out. She turned around in the mirror so that she could see it as well. "Yeah, I get that from my mom. My curves too." Her body was absolutely perfect and in that moment, nothing else mattered to me but her. "Ready?" I nodded my head and she looped her arm through mine. "Lead the way, Daddy."
Was she finally learning?
In the car, Daddy said very few words. He placed his hand on my knee and occasionally snuck glances at me but never full words. For some reason, I liked it this way.
"Daddy, can I turn on the radio?" He nodded and I grabbed my phone to hook up to the aux cord. "Honey, baby girl, I love you but you better not play any pop music in my car." I rolled my eyes. Daddy was so old fashioned. I clicked on one of my favorite bands, The Fray, and started bobbing my head to the music.
"What is this?" He asked when we got to the red light. I smiled. "You like it don't you?" He rolled his eyes. "Answer my question first and then I might answer yours."
"The Fray. The song is called Ungodly Hour."
"Fine, I like them." I couldn't contain my happiness. "Good because they're my favorite band." He sighed and we pulled into this really large parking garage. "Mr. Styles, it's nice to see you here tonight sir." One of the police guards said. Daddy shook his hand and handed him some card. "You can park in your usual spot." He drove around until we got to one of the best parking spaces I've ever seen. No one else was around it or even remotely close to it. "So this is where you work?" He chuckled and patted my knee before unhooking the seat belt. "Something like that. Come on, we have to be in the main building by seven."

Daddy May I?|h.s|{BWWM}Where stories live. Discover now