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"And I said, 'Hey! Those don't go there!'" Niall said. Everybody laughed but me. I didn't find anything funny. I just sat there staring off into space until Harry cleared his throat. "Princess, you don't want to talk to the rest of us?" I stayed silent. "You may speak."
"Yeah..I just don't find what you're speaking about interesting." They all looked at me. Here we go again.
"Oh? What are you interested in?" Niall asked with his eyebrow raised. Harry nodded again for me to speak. "Well I like fashion...and music. I also like animals." He laughed. Lou spoke then. "I like animals too. Cats." Harry glared at him. "Stop it."
"What? All I said was that I like cats." Had I missed something? "Anything else?" Niall asked me. I just shook my head. I was tired of talking. Roo turned to Zayn. "Master, may I use the restroom?" He nodded his head. "Excuse us." They got up from the table and went upstairs to the bathroom. I noticed that she had a pretty pink collar on her neck with rhinestones on it. It didn't make me jealous, but I was curious.
"Daddy?" I asked. He turned his head to face me. "Yes?"
"Why don't I have a collar?" Everybody got quiet again and Louis laughed. "I told you she would want one, Mate." He gripped my leg under the table. "Soon, Princess. I promise." I pouted. "But daddy..." Zayn and Roo made their way back to the table. "What's going on?" He asked.
"Well, Harry's Submissive here wants a collar like Roo's." Zayn looked at Harry. "You haven't fully owned her yet? What're you waiting for?" Harry shrugged. "I like to keep my options open." What's that supposed to mean?
"Ah, I see." Niall said and fixed Yaya's collar. Hers was blue with spikes. "Well we know a guy when you're ready to get her fitted for one and stuff." Harry just nodded again and sipped his wine. I don't know why but I felt awfully bad all of a sudden.
"Liam, does Kennedy have one yet?" He nodded his head. "Of course she does. She just wanted hers on her arm as a bracelet to match the other one her parent's gave her. He held up both of her arms to show off her gold collar. Well then.
"I'm hungry." I told Harry, who placed his fork in the salad and fed me slowly. "Dinner should be ready shortly, the staff are putting the final touches on it now." He continued to feed me as they talked about business and work. Boring stuff.
"Master, can I talk to Honey?" Madison asked Louis, who nodded and went back to what he was saying. "Honey, are you ok? You seem sad." The other girls nodded their heads, agreeing with her. I just shrugged my shoulders. I didn't want to talk about it. "Please, you can talk to me about it." Maddy pressured me on.
"I know, I just don't feel like talking about it right now." Yaya frowned. "Honey, talk to me. I understand." I just rolled my eyes. How could they understand when they haven't known me for a day yet? "No."
"Enough." Harry said. "Whatever chip you have on your shoulder, lose it." I rolled my eyes again. "Can't lose something I don't have...Sir." He bit his lip. "One more outburst like that and I'll send you back-"
"Please, do me a favor! Send me back because you were planning on it anyways! That's why you didn't get me a collar because you knew you weren't keeping me. Clearly, they're much more loved than me so you know what? I'll excuse myself." Everybody had the same shocked expression but Harry, he was pissed. I excused myself and stood up. He grabbed my wrist and swung me around to look at him. "Living room. Now." I sighed.
"Yes. Sir."
"What was that? How dare you talk to your dominant in that tone?"
"You obviously don't care about me so why the fuck not?" He slammed his hand on the living room table, making the books that were once there fall everywhere. "What did I tell you about that language? Why can't you just listen to me!"
He looked at me just as confused as every. "What?! Now you want to listen?! What is it with you?!" I just shrugged my shoulders. "Maybe I need to be tamed." He grabbed by arm in his hand and jerked me forward to look at him. "If that's what you so desire then fine. I'll show you better then I can tell you." He walked ahead of me with my arm still gripped in his hand. "Everything alright?" Niall asked. Harry nodded and sat down with me on his lap. "Peachy."
The kitchen staff walked out with plates of food. One woman sat a plate of Alfredo in front of me and a steak in front of Harry. "Why can't I have steak?" He placed his hand over my mouth. "Stop." I crossed my arms over my chest like a kid and he took his hand down. "Is the food to your liking, Mr. Styles?" One lady asked with a skirt too short for her own good. She looked about 40. "Yes, thank you." She gave him one last look before going back into the kitchen with the other women. I picked up a fork to eat but Harry took it out of my hand. "Since you want to be tamed and treated as such, I'm feeding you." He took some noodles on his fork and placed it in front of my mouth. "Eat."
"Daddy?" I asked and looked around his 'work area' space. He was laid out on the sofa with the laptop on his stomach. "What is it?"
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that stuff to you." He motioned for me to come here. I walked over and kneeled beside the sofa. "I have something for you."
"Is it a punishment? Daddy..I" He placed his finger on my lip and motioned for me to look at the laptop. "What's that?" He smiled.
"For you to create your own collar."

Tell me why these fools are out here throwing fireworks at 12:00 am in the pouring rain.
Anyways! Like and comment 😫💕

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