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"Listen, Harry, about that..."

"What did I tell you to call me, Heavenly?"

She gulped and nodded. "Honey, I can't do this!"

"Trust me, I don't want you to be trained by my Daddy either but since they already agreed to let you stay here..."

"Honey, enough. Go with Olivia to get dinner started."

I nodded towards Daddy. "Okay, anything in particular you want to eat?"

He shrugged. "It doesn't matter, love."

I just nodded again and left the room hoping and praying that he wouldn't end up killing my sister.

A week later
"Yes, sir." Heavenly said with a smile on her face. She was improving each day that she's been here. Her parents and new dominant would be very pleased.

"Good girl." I complimented her and motioned for Honey to come sit beside me on the sofa.

"Sir, can I speak?"

She asked as Honey made herself comfortable on my lap. Her head on my chest.


"How come she gets to be on the sofa and all over you but I can't be?" She had a little hesitant tone in her voice and quickly looked away from me when she said this.

"Well, because Honey is my submissive. Not you. Legally, she'll be my wife soon."

"Then who will I marry?"

I shrugged. "We'll find someone who would want you as a submissive. In the meantime, don't worry about that. I'll handle it."


"Heavenly, please be quiet." Honey said and laced her fingers through my hair.

"The baby?"

She nodded and sighed. "Whatever it is has been making me sick all morning and I'm gaining weight like crazy. Is this normal? I'm only like a month."

"It's very normal. Some people experience these things while pregnant and others don't. I suppose you're one of the ones that experience them."

I laid her head on my chest again and started rubbing circles in her back to calm her down a little.

"Mm, that feels good."

"I know, love. Get some sleep. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

Her eyes slowly shut.

"What's tomorrow?" Heavenly asked.

"My family is coming to stay with us for awhile so I'll need you to be on your best behavior. Understood? No talking out of turn and you will look them in the eyes when you are spoken to. I will have none of your back talk as well."

She stayed silent for a bit but nodded anyways. "Yes, Daddy."

"It's Sir. Only Honey calls me Daddy."

Honey is played by Justine Skye...if you couldn't tell by the cover. I got a question on who plays her in my messages so I hope this answers it! ❤️ I have no idea who plays her younger and older sisters yet so...if you have any ideas, feel free to drop them here you know. Help a girl out lmao.

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