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Okay before I start I'm just in awe because it's been eleven chapters already and it has 1K views?!?! This is crazy!! Thank you guys for reading this so much. I really appreciate it 💜

"Daddy." Honey whined and pulled me back by my arm. "I don't wanna go in. It's too many people. What if-"
"Baby girl, you're overreacting. It'll be fine. You look beautiful and I promise no one will say anything to you. They better not or they'll be fired immediately." She gave me a slight nod and we made our way into the ballroom where everyone else was. Honey spotted Kennedy first and instantly lit up. "Ooh daddy please! Can I go talk to her!" I nodded my head and sent her on her way when the guys approached me. "Look at you two." Louis smiled and pulled Madison along on a leash. She must have really pissed him off. "I'll tell you about it later." He mouthed. I simply nodded. Zayn sent Roo over to talk to the girls and patted me on the back. "What's up, Haz? Anything new?" I hugged him back. "Man it's been too long. Where have you been?" He shrugged. "Well, Roo is pregnant so we've been going back and forth between the doctors and therapist."
"Congrats man!" Niall shouted. "You're going to be a dad." He nodded his head and smiled. "Yep. I can't wait. What about you guys? You haven't gotten them pregnant yet? I know I want Roo pregnant as often as possible." I gulped and my face was probably ten tints of red. Niall kissed Yaya on the cheek and sent her over with the other girls as well so we could have some guy time. "What? Did I say something wrong?" I shook my head. "No it's just.." Lou handed me a drink and took a sip of his. "He hasn't fucked her yet. She hasn't even signed a contract." I cursed under my breath. "Thanks. So. Much."
He just grinned. "Wait so why haven't you?" I shrugged and took a sip of my drink. Vodka. Thanks again Lou.
"Why isn't Maddie over here?" I asked Yaya who just sighed. "She made her master upset. I think she was flirting with someone else at school yesterday and he found out. My master said if I ever did that....it wouldn't be pretty." I pouted and waved over to Madison, who waved back with tears in her eyes. Poor thing.
"I hope I never make Daddy that mad. I've made him heated before but...but that scares me. She's being humiliated in front of everybody." Kennedy watched our lips closely to see what we were saying.
"I think she's fine. She said in the contract that it was okay for him to humiliate her as punishment." She said. We all nodded. "Maybe you're right. Hey, let's dance." Roo pulled my arm and led me to the dance floor. Kennedy and Yaya came soon after. "I feel like dancing. I'm so happy!" Roo started dancing on everybody. I do mean everybody. Men included, this wasn't going to be pretty when Zayn found out.
"Harry! Oh my goodness! You look so...wow!" I heard a woman's voice scream and I turned my head to see where it was coming from. This very pretty blonde girl embraced him in a hug and kissed his cheek. "I'll be right back." I told the girls and made my way over to where the men were. I cleared my throat and the woman that was hugging Daddy turned around. "Oh my! She's a beauty!" She hugged me as well but I quickly declined it. "I don't mean to be rude but who are you?" The woman turned back to Harry with a smile on her face. "I love her already. She's feisty." She turned back to me. "I'm Gemma, Harry's sister." Of course, the accent. I felt so silly. "Pardon my manners." I looked down at my shoes. "I just thought-" She picked my head up and kissed me on the cheek. "Oh no, that's why I like you. You're not afraid to show and tell everybody he's yours and you're definitely not afraid to back down from anybody from what I hear. Including my brother." Daddy wrapped his arm around my waist and smiled. "Honey, let's dance, shall we?" I nodded my head and took his hand in his. For a moment, I felt like a queen.

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