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"Girl, please. Takis are amazing." I said to my friend, Carmen. She was the only person that was nice to me in this school because we grew up the same way so I understood her and she understood me.
"Takis are hot as shit! And they taste horrible! Have you had the lemon ones with chili pepper or some shit? Girl I thought I was going to die because it was so hot." Okay now she was exaggerating. "I doubt they were that hot and yes I've had them all. Dad- I mean Harry bought me loads of them in the cabinet. He hates them too." She raised her brow at me and smiled. "When do I get to meet Mr. Harry? He seems amazing from what I hear from you." I shrugged. "He's not really fond of company if he doesn't know you personally so I don't know, but I'll ask." Truth is, I wasn't going to because I already knew the answer.
She nodded her head just as the bell rang. "Well I'll catch up with you later, don't forget to ask him!"
"Sure thing! Have fun in chemistry." She stuck her tongue out and let out a loud laugh then was gone with the crowd of people. I always fell shortly behind everyone else because they were a lot taller and bigger than me so they would run me over a lot in the hallways.
"Ms. Daniels get to class!" One of the teachers in cafeteria duty screamed from across the hall to me.
"Yeah yeah, I'm going. Don't have your period."
I heard a bunch of oh's and ah's as the teacher approached me. "Please repeat that for me."
"I said I was going to cla-" He pulled me by my arm and dragged me to the office with a smirk on his face. "Since you want to be brave again today, I guess you'll have to get detention. Or maybe some days at home will do you justice. Wait here while I go get the principle."
"I'm sorry, Mr. Styles. She just made me so angry and-"
"I don't care how angry she made you. Touch her again and you'll have to deal with me-" I stood up and grabbed him by his tie. "Personally." The principle and good friend of mine, Daniel Sanders, stood to his feet. "Harry please, I promise you that I will punish him enough that he won't want to touch any other students."
"I'm sorry, Mr. Styles. I truly am..tell Honey that as well."
I let him go. "I don't even want you to mutter her name out of your filthy mouth. What kind of man puts his hands on a woman like that? I swear if she has any bruises-"
"Harry, please. Honey may return to school next week after her suspension. Mr. Barnes please don't make this any worse than it already is. You don't understand how much power and authority Harry has over the city.." Honey came out of the back room with her arms crossed. "Can we go now?"
"Unfold your arms for me." I said sternly enough for her I'm guessing because she actually listened to me on the first time of me asking her to do it. "Flip them." She listened again. It must be the contract.
"No bruises, you're lucky." I pointed to the teacher and motioned for Honey to come on. "You don't have to worry about her again." I started to walk out when I noticed that Honey wasn't following me. Was she really being this obedient to me now? Finally.
"Honey, love, come along." I motioned for her to come here and she did so. "We're leaving." I took her hand in mine and we were out of that building quick, fast, and in a hurry.
As soon as we got home, Daddy sent me straight to my room. I didn't understand. Was he not going to punish me for behaving like that in school or was it only when I behaved that way towards him?
I heard males voices talking downstairs who I assume were the rest of the boys.
"Honey." Daddy's voice vibrated off of the walls and sounded like music to my ears.
"Come here." He sighed and sat down on the edge of my bed and then looked over at me.
I scooted over a bit and sat down by his feet. "Am I being punished?"
"No but I will talk to you about your smart mouth."
"Isn't that punishment?" He chuckled and petted my head. "Cute but no. Why did you speak to your teacher like that? I've told you many times about being that way towards me or anyone for that matter. It's rude."
"Um, Sir. You actually said it was 'fucking rude.' Your words, not mine." He let out a heavy sigh. "Why can't you just obey me? One minute you're doing great and then the next you're feisty and ready to rip off my head. Do you take medication that I don't know about or something?"
"No." That actually made me feel really bad because Harry was trying his best to be the best dominant for me and all I could do was act like a little bitch.
"I'm sorry. I just...this is all new to me. When I act that's just to protect myself."
"From what?"
Why did I say that? He immediately attacked my lips with his and held the back of my head in his palm. I let him glide his tongue back and forth on my bottom lip before opening my mouth and giving him full access. The kiss was hot and steamy, sexy even. He tasted like vanilla and mint gum.
"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that."
I was speechless. Not just because he took my breath away, but because he actually wanted me the way I wanted him.
"Daddy..I wanted that too. I want you." He ran his fingers along my jawline. "I want bad and trust me I would take you right here and right now but we have guests downstairs." I pouted and crossed my arms.
"You're a tease."
"Fuck me."
"No, Honey. Let's go." He tried to grab my hand but I was too quick.
"I'm not leaving this spot until you give me what I want. I want you."
"No. I'm not saying it again."
Such a hard ass.
"Then I'm staying in my room."
He shut his eyes, I suppose from frustration. "You don't know what you're asking for."
"Yes I-"
"You don't because baby girl once I start, I won't stop."

Aww shit. Next chapter is smut so...consider yourself warned. It'll most likely take longer for me to write that chapter as well because it'll be fairly long but not detailed to the point where Wattpad will remove it cause this story isn't rated r...yet.
Like/comment, beautiful people 💞

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