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"Honey is fine. Don't worry about her." I said to my assistant, Laura. Her and I go back and forth like actual lovers. Maybe it's because we were.
"Are you sexually active with her?" I scrunched my nose. "Did you have to say it like that?"
"Well what other way would you like me to say it? Are you fucking?" I rolled my eyes. Such a bitch. "Why do you care? We haven't fucked around for weeks." She laughed and sat on my desk, removing all of the paperwork that I had once placed there. "Um babe, it's been days."
Oh shit.
"'s been days." She shook her head. "We hung out two days ago after work and you got drunk, Harry." My phone started ringing. She rolled her eyes and handed it to me. "Answer it, I'm sure it's wifey."
"Hello?" Honey said. "Hey, Kitten. What's the matter?" She hesitated before speaking again. "Nothing, Olivia just picked me up from school. We have a hair appointment first and then nails!" I chuckled. She was so cute. "I know, baby girl. Have fun, ok? Daddy will be waiting for you when you get home." From the corner of my eye I could see Laura pretending to gag. "Okay, Daddy. Love you." I don't think she realized what she said. "Baby..." Before she could say anything else she hung up the phone. "What did she want?" Laura snarled. I had no time for her bullshit today. "None of your concern. Now do what you came in here to do." She licked her red stained lips and got down on her knees. "Yes, Daddy."
"I'm not your Daddy. Now suck."

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