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Warning: very emotional.

I haven't spoken to Harry in four days. Which is very hard considering the fact that we live together. He was my first love but look where that got me. I wanted so badly to tell him how fucking stupid he was. How I hated him. How much I wanted to beat his ass but I couldn't. I just couldn't do it. So I ignored him. He would try every so often to come to my room and talk to me but I wouldn't say anything back. Today makes day four.
"Good morning, Hon." Olivia said as I walked into the kitchen with just an oversized black and gold jersey. "Hey, Livvy. What's for breakfast?" She smiled and showed me two blueberry pancakes in the pan. My favorites. I was scrolling through Instagram when Harry walked in looking like he hadn't slept in days. I looked up for a few seconds before going back to my phone. "Good morning, baby girl."
No response from me. He sighed and sat beside me on one of the bar stools. "Good morning, Mr. Styles. Would you like some pancakes as well?" Olivia asked and he nodded. "Yes that's fine. Thank you." Livvy turned to me. "You go and get ready, missy! I almost forgot about today." Harry looked confused. "We don't have plans?" Poor thing. "Oh no, silly. You don't. She does indeed." He turned to look at me. "What? Where are you going?"
"Olivia, may you pour me a glass of orange juice?" She only nodded. "Kitten...please. Talk to me. I've said I'm sorry multiple times." I crossed my eyes at him. "I love you." He whispered and brushed his hand against mine. Say what now?
"Thanks but no thanks for breakfast, Olivia. I'm already late for work. Enjoy your day, Princess."
What? That was too easy.

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