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I spent my whole day today in the park downtown doing an interview with a woman from this modeling agency in London. She was nice but she seemed a bit fake.
"So, tell me about yourself, Honey. Modeling takes a whole lot more than having a pretty face." I knew that. "Well I um.." I tugged on my collar. "I'm 16 so I'm still in school here because it's a law in America. I'm...i have a boyfriend. I don't know if that will be a problem or not? I'm educated beyond my years. My friends always told me that I give them advice like I've been here before or been through everything they've been through. Nine times out of ten I have. I can sing and speak really well in public which is a plus. I'm not foreign to taking pictures and looking pretty. Last, I love the simple things in life. The smallest things make me happy."
She giggled, clearly amused with my answer. "I can already tell that I'll love you. You're Is that all your hair? If you don't mind me asking." I just shrugged my shoulders. "Oh that's alright. It's naturally mine, yes. I went natural as a kid and it grew really long. I just got a haircut yesterday." She smiled and wrote something down. "Now, you said that you're in a relationship? How would he feel about you modeling in lingerie when the time comes? There are many fields that you'd be amazing in and I think lingerie would be the best one for you." I gulped. "Well I haven't really told him about this yet..."
"You don't have to." I heard a voice from behind the park bench said that sent my whole body into panic mode. "Harry Styles." He said and shook the woman's hand. "Barbara Lancaster." Harry sat down on my left and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I could tell he was pissed because his grip tightened on me by the second. "So what was it that you hadn't told me yet, dear?" He stared a hole through me. Barbara answered. "Well, Harry is it?" He nodded. "She wants to be a model and I'm sure she'll be damned good at it. I was just telling her about her options as a model."
"Oh really? Like what?"
He chewed on his lip. This couldn't be good. "Well we'll discuss this at home and I'll get back with you. You have to understand the type of relationship your soon to be client and I have, Briana."
Okay now he was just being rude. "It's Barbara." She said with a smile. He nodded. "Right. Well I should probably explain then."
"Please, do. I'm very much interested in your different type of relationship."
I sighed. Oh gosh.
"Honey is my submissive. Certain things she's allowed to do, other things not so much." He pointed to the collar on my neck. "This tells me where she is at all times and she is going to keep it on no matter what. Even in photo shoots." Barbara nodded, clearly interested in our lifestyle. "Please tell me more, Sir."
The fuck did she just say? Oh no. "Um.." I said, clearing my throat. "Harry is just fine." He smirked at my sudden burst of jealousy and she placed her hand on her chest. "I'm so sorry...i didn't mean it like..oh I'm so stupid."
"It's alright." He said and continued.
"She has to eat three healthy meals a day with one snack after lunch. She drinks mostly water or juices, no sodas. I require her to exercise at least twice a week to keep her healthy and strong. Her bones crack a bit when she walks or runs so she does yoga two hours a day after school. I feed her but she is allowed to feed herself when she wants to. She can pretty much make her own decisions as long as it's approved and doesn't break any rules." Barbara batted her lashes and straightened up a bit. "Oh wow. I would love to be involved with someone of your lifestyle."
No no no no. This wasn't happening right now. "This isn't something that you can just get involved into. You have to be trained for a very long time and there's a lot of paperwork to be done."
She nodded her head. "I want to be trained. Train me." That was it.
"Okay, time to go. Nice to meet you, Barbara." She smiled and handed her card to Harry. "Call me when you find a dominant for me, okay?" I gagged and walked away. Soon after Harry was right on my heels. "What the fuck? You had me looking all over town for you and I find you in some park talking about lingerie modeling?!" I smirked. "Get your ass in the car." I shook my head. "I found a way to get here and I can find a way to get back home. Why don't you give your hoe a ride?" He shut his eyes and balled his fists together. "Please, kitten. Not today. Get in the car."
"Oh daddy, I can't." I used my innocent voice on him again. "You cheated on me and stuck your dick in that nasty lady's train station."
He fisted his hair in his hands. "I won't punish you." I grinned. Bingo.
"That's the best thing you've said all day. Now I'll go back to ignoring you." I got in the passenger's seat and slammed the door shut. He followed me and drove off towards the house.

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