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Four weeks later
I woke up to talking downstairs and a whole lot of pans smashing against the floor. "Fuck I don't know, Liam! How am I supposed to do this? She'll be up any minute now and none of her breakfast is done." He's making me food? "I did that! They're still flat! You're a horrible teacher, you know that?" I heard a loud slam against the counter again which made me jump up. I swear if this man hurt himself again. The first time he tried to cook, he burned his hand. The second time consisted of him pouring and mixing random things together to try and get whatever he was trying to cook to taste like his mom's. "Harry?" I called out. No answer. I didn't feel like getting out of bed but I didn't want him to hurt himself either. I got up, slid on some socks, made sure my collar was still on, and walked down the steps. Careful not to make too much noise so he doesn't know I'm down here.
"Yeah I'm coming into work today. No, the paper isn't done, dad. How's Mum?"
Long pause.
"Oh yeah? Well can you place her on the phone for a second?"
Another pause.
"Hey Mum, I have a question..How does this whole eggs thing work?"
You've got to be kidding me.
"Ok thanks, got to go before she wakes up. Love you too." Harry put the phone back in his pocket and started cracking eggs again. "Daddy...what's all this?" I came around the corner and used my best innocent voice on him. "Shit.." He mumbled under his breath and turned around to face me. "Good morning, Kitten. How'd you sleep?"
"Good. I was sad when I woke up cause you weren't beside me, Daddy." He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. I could smell his cologne. Vanilla mixed with a tiny bit of peppermint. "I'm sorry, baby girl. I just wanted to make you breakfast but that didn't work out too well."
"Harry Styles, what are you doing?!" The head chef, Olivia, said as she entered with groceries in her hands. I liked her. She was the only one of them that actually cared enough to be nice to me. Olivia was 38 and like a second mother to Harry so she treated me like a daughter.
"I was trying to cook for her but.." She looked down at the contraption that he made in the oven and shook her head. "Are you trying to kill your Submissive?!" I giggled and sat down on the floor beside Harry's feet. "Princess what're you doing? You're not in trouble so you don't have to sit there. Come sit on Daddy's lap."
He pulled me up and on to his lap while he talked to Ms. Olivia. I examined everything about him. The way he talked, how he would do little hand motions every so often, the way he pronounced and sounded out each word, and how he would make direct eye contact with her. "Oh! I almost forgot! I wanted to take Honey to get her nails and hair done and to do a bit of shopping if that's alright with you? Just girl stuff." Harry shrugged and stuffed a piece of pancake in his mouth. "Sure. I'll be at work anyways. Just pick her up from school early tomorrow."
"Daddy, when I'm done can I come to your job? Please?" He sighed. "What did I tell you about that, Princess?" I looked down at my hands. "Go ahead and answer."
"That it's no place for Submissives." He nodded. "Good girl."

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